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Logo-EE 40 Zero Ring is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Zero Ring
Grid Zero Ring
Type Tool
Stackable No
EMC Value 281,412
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Zero Ring is an item added as part of the Equivalent Exchange mod. It acts as an ice-type counterpart to the Ring of Ignition.


Pressing V with the ring in the players hand will increase the charge level of the ring (Shift + V will reduce it).

  1. Left Click while the item is held in the players hand launches one snowball in the direction the player is looking.
  2. Right Click or R places snow and freezes water instantly in a square around the player with a side length equal to 3+2*ChargeLevel, with a maximum charge of 4.
  3. G will activate the ring and will quickly place snow and freeze water around the player in a square with side length 9. While active the ring will consume roughly 1 redstone dust every 6 seconds or 1 glowstone every 38 seconds.


Crafting GUI

Snow Block

Dark Matter

Snow Block


Iron Band


Snow Block

Dark Matter

Snow Block

Zero Ring


  • Hitting Right Click or R while 1 block underwater will cause the top of the water to freeze, while being 2 or more blocks underwater will cause nothing to happen.
  • Used to create Ring of Arcana.

EMC Value[]

2880 (Iron Band) + 139,264 x 2 (Dark Matter) + N/A x 2 (Snowball) + 1 x 4 (Snow Block) =281,412 EMC Each
