Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-TC 40 Vis Conversion contains information about the ThaumCraft mod.

This is a conversion table which includes the net yields of item as compared to EMC.

This table will assume that no bellows, furnace, or runes, ext. where used to improve the device.

All tests performed on a single item tossed into a crucible, and the same item tossed into a transmutation tablet.

VT refers to the Vis/Taint gain from the crucible.

The cost is the amout of emc it takes to gain a single VT. If you obtain 10 VT (5 Vis + 5 Taint from a crucible) from an item costing 1000 EMC, this is a cost of 100.0 which mean you need 100 EMC to create 1 VT. Or EMC/VT.

Item Name VT EMC Cost
Blaze Powder 18 768 42.67
Blaze Rod 36 1536 42.67
Diamond 64 8192 128.0
Stone 2 1 0.5
Grass 1 1 1
Dirt 1 1 1
Cobo 1 1 1
Plank 1 8 8
Sapling 2 32 16
Gravel 2 4 2
Wood 2 32 16
Leaves 2 1 0.5
Glass 2 1 0.5
Lapis Block 82 7776 94.82
Sandstone 2 4 2
Noteblock 10 128 12.8
Web 4 12 3
Obsidian 16 64


Rose Red 2 8 4
Indigo Dye 4 8 2
Light Blue Dye 5 8 1.6
Purple Dye 6 8 4/3 (1.333)
