This page contains all items from Vanilla Minecraft. Under no circumstances will any vanilla item pages be made. Creating an external link to the Minecraft Wiki is allowed. The Minecraft Wiki can be found here.
Item |
Glass Pane | 16 |
1 | |
Cobblestone , Cobblestone Slab , Dead Bush , Dirt, Glass, Grass, Ice, Leaves, Mycelium, Netherrack, Sand , Snow (Block), Stone, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Bricks, Stone Slab , Stone Stairs, End Stone, Glass Bottle |
3 |
Button , Stone Pressure Plate, Sandstone Slab |
8 |
Gravel, Nether Brick, Stick, Sandstone, Flint, Nether Brick Fence, Wooden Slab |
9 |
5 | |
Nether Brick Stairs, Stone Sword, Bowl |
6 |
Cactus , Furnace, Vines, Wooden Planks, Dyes (Except for Cocoa Beans, Lapis Lazuli, & Bone Meal) |
8 |
Torch , Stone Shovel |
9 |
Stone Hoe |
10 |
Stone Pickaxe, Stone Axe |
11 |
Cobweb, Fence, Fishing Rod, String, Wooden Stairs |
12 |
Ladder, Arrow |
14 |
Dandelion, Rose, Lily Pad, Wooden Pressure Plate, Seeds, Melon Seeds, Melon Slice, Indigo Flowers, Clay (Ball) |
16 |
Wooden Sword |
20 |
Cookie |
22 |
Wheat, Trap Door, Netherwart, Rotten Flesh, Slimeball, Wooden Hoe |
24 |
Charcoal, Crafting Table, Fence Gate, Mushroom (Red, Brown), Sapling, Wood, Sugarcane, Paper, Sugar, Egg, Wooden Pickaxe, Wooden Axe |
32 |
Pumpkin Seeds |
36 |
Boat |
40 |
Bow, Wool (all), Feather, Wooden Door, Bone Meal |
48 |
Soul Sand |
49 |
Sign |
52 |
Chest, Obsidian, Redstone, Porkchop (Raw & Cooked), Beef (Raw & Steak), Fish (Raw & Cooked), Chicken (Raw & Cooked), Leather, Brick, Clay Block |
64 |
Redstone Torch |
68 |
Mushroom Stew |
70 |
Bread |
72 |
Painting |
80 |
Iron Bars, Rail, Book |
96 |
Dispenser |
119 |
Coal, Note Block, Spider Eye, Apple, Cocoa Beans, Brick Slab |
128 |
Jack'o'Lantern, Melon (Block), Pumpkin, Bed, Bone |
144 |
Mossy Cobblestone |
145 |
Gunpowder, Fermented Spider Eye, Saddle |
192 |
Redstone Repeater |
203 |
Gold Nugget |
227 |
Glistering Melon |
243 |
Brick Block, Detector Rail, Iron Ingot, Leather Boots |
256 |
Flint & Steel |
260 |
Iron Shovel |
264 |
Leather Helmet |
320 |
Bookshelf |
336 |
Piston |
348 |
Cake |
363 |
Sticky Piston |
372 |
Glowstone Dust, Brick Stairs |
384 |
Leather Leggings |
448 |
Shears, Leather Chestplate |
512 |
Iron Sword |
516 |
Iron Hoe |
520 |
Blaze Powder, Bucket |
768 |
Water Bucket |
769 |
Iron Pickaxe, Iron Axe |
776 |
Magma Cream |
792 |
Lava bucket |
832 |
Milk (Bucket) |
849 |
Fire Charge |
896 |
Lapis Lazuli |
864 |
964 |
Ender Pearl, Iron Boots |
1,024 |
Compass |
1,088 |
Minecart, Iron Helmet |
1,280 |
Minecart with Furnace |
1,288 |
Minecart with Chest, Map |
1,344 |
Glowstone Block, Iron Door, Blaze Rod |
1,536 |
Brewing Stand |
1,539 |
Eye of Ender, Iron Leggings |
1,792 |
Golden Apple |
1,944 |
Gold, Powered Rail, Music Disc, Iron Chestplate |
2,048 |
Golden Shovel |
2,056 |
Iron Block |
2,304 |
Ghast Tear |
4,096 |
Golden Sword |
4,100 |
Golden Hoe |
4,104 |
Golden Pickaxe, Golden Axe |
6,152 |
Lapis Lazuli (Block) |
7,776 |
Diamond, Gold Boots |
8,192 |
Diamond Shovel |
8,200 |
Jukebox, Clock |
8,256 |
Gold Helmet |
10,240 |
Gold Leggings |
14,336 |
Gold Chestplate |
16,384 |
Diamond Sword |
16,388 |
Diamond Hoe |
16,392 |
16,736 | |
Gold Block |
18,432 |
Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Axe |
24,584 |
Diamond Boots |
32,768 |
Diamond Helmet |
40,960 |
Diamond Leggings |
57,344 |
Diamond Chestplate |
65,536 |
Diamond Block |
73,728 |
Dragon Egg |
139,264 |