Technic Pack Wiki
Technic Pack Wiki

I am using this blog as a self note, and to share with anyone interested.

Currently, there is a Technic version 7.3 out. It is for Minecraft 1.42. For me, I had to download the new Technic launcher for this to work. Strangely, for me at least, the new technic-launcher.jar file sits in the "../Application Data" folder, instead of under the "../Application Data/.techniclauncher" folder.

Update: The current latest as of this blog update is Technic 7.5.2 for Minecraft 1.4.6. It has 60 mods.


This mod pack contain a number of mods, which I will list as they are shown in the Mods list in the game title screen:

Mod Technic 7.3.0
(MC 1.4.2)
(MC 1.4.2)
(MC 1.4.5)
(MC 1.4.6)
Optifine 1.4.2_HD_U_A7 (same) (NA) (NA)
Minecraft Coder Pack 7.19 (same) 7.23 7.25
Forge Mod Loader (same)
Minecraft Forge (same)
CodeChicken Core (same) 0.6.10
Not Enough Items
GuiAPI (NA) (NA) 0.15.1 (NA)
TreeCapitator (NA) 1.4.2.r03 1.4.5.r02 1.4.6.r01
ReiMinimap 3.2_05 (same) (for MC 1.4.5) (for MC 1.4.6)
Buildcraft 3.1.8 (same) 3.2.0 3.3.0
Additional Pipes Unofficial (NA) (NA) (unknown) 2.1.3u38
Immibis Core 50.2.1 50.2.3 51.0.3 52.1.0
IndustrialCraft 2 1.108.71-lf (same) 1.109.113-lf 1.112.170-lf
Advanced Repulsion System 50.2.1 50.2.2 51.0.1 52.0.4
IC2 Advanced Machines Addon 4.4b (same) 4.5 4.7a
Advanced Power Management 1.1.30 (same) 1.1.40 1.1.55
ChickenChunks (NA) (NA) (NA)
Compact Solar Arrays (same)
Dimensional Anchors (NA) (NA) (NA) 52.0.6
ComputerCraft 1.46 (same) 1.47 (NA)
DrZhark's Mo'Creatures 4.1.0 4.1.2 4.2.1 (NA)
Equivalent Exchange 3 pre1 (same) pre1d pre1f
EnderStorage 1.2.1
Factorization (NA) (NA) (NA) 0.7.10
Nuclear Control 1.4.1 (same) 1.4.3 1.4.5
Inventory Tweaks 1.44 (same) 1.45 (same)
Iron Chest (same)
Logistics Pipes 0.6.0.pre1 0.6.0.pre2 0.7.0.pre2
MineFactory Reloaded (NA) (NA) (NA) 2.0.0
MAtmos (NA) (NA) 1.0r20 (NA)
RedPower (NA) (NA) (NA) 2.0pre6
Mystcraft (same)
NEI Plugins (NA) (NA)
Nether Ores 1.2.6 (same) (NA) 1.3.1
OmniTools (NA) (NA) (NA) 2.2.5
Railcraft (same)
Steve's Carts 2.0.0.a14 2.0.0.a19 2.0.0.a28 2.0.0.a41
Thermal Expansion 2.0.2 2.0.4 2.0.9 2.1.6
Transformers 1.6 (same) 1.7 1.7b
TubeStuff 50.1.0 50.1.2 51.0.2 52.0.7
Balkon's WeaponMod (NA) (NA) 1.10.1 1.10.3
WR-CBE Core (NA) (NA)
WR-CBE Addons (NA) (NA)
WR-CBE RedPower (NA) (NA) (NA)

Equivalent Exchange 3[]

Currently in Pre1 release so not much of anything is in yet.

The only things you can make are:

  • Inert Stone: Crafted with 4 Smooth Stone and 4 Iron Ingot surrounding a Gold Ingot in the center. Before pre1c you don't need the 4 iron ingots.
  • Shard of Minium: Red looking flint item that randomly drop from killed monsters.
  • Minium Stone: Crafted with Inert Stone surrounded by 8 Shard of Minium. Allows portable crafting(default C) and transmuation of items, but has limit on number of times used.


There are a bunch of new symbols and also a new instability system that I have yet to test out. Hmm, when you enter a new world, you get affected by different bad effects. Wonder if that has anything to do with the new instability system.

What I want to tell you guys the most is that the Link Modifier block is in. It still has the temp recipe of a gold block surrounded by 8 diamond blocks, but it is very very nice so get one as soon as you can. You can place a Linking Book in it's only slot, and click the not yet named buttons to give it extra features:

  • Intra Linking - can use link book in the same world, free teleport anyone?
  • Following - the link book will stay in your hot bar with you after using (WOO!)
  • Generate Platform - makes a platform under you, in case of void?
  • Maintain Momentum - mostly for carts and stuff.
  • Disarm - strips everything off the user of the book, more like a trap.

Logistics Pipes[]

Logistics Pipes now need something called Logistics Power to work. You have to connect a Basic Logistics pipe to the new Logistics Power Junction which can be powered by EU or MJ power. All the connections are to the sides of the Power Junction which is crafted below:

Crafting GUI

Iron Ingot

Redstone Dust

Iron Ingot

Gold Gear

Basic Logistics Pipe

Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot

Redstone Dust

Iron Ingot

Logistics Power Junction

Advanced Power Managment[]

This mod is formerly known as Charging Bench. It now contains more than charging benches.

This includes 3 Charging Benches and their upgrade versions. The charging benches now accept IC2 upgrades like Transformer and Overclocker upgrades. There are 3 Battery Stations that are used to discharge EU storage items. Both of these will work with pipe/tubes(top input, bottom output, sides EU). There is also a Storage Monitor that will monitor EU storage units and output a redstone signal depending on energy level of the storage unit. And finally, for creative mode there are Emitters that output EU.

Immibis Mods[]

These mods require the Immibis Core to work.

Advanced Repulsion System[]

This mod is formerly known as MFFS(Modular Force Field System) mod. It has old and new features compared to MFFS, but has a lot of new crafting recipes.

Tube Stuff[]

This mod has some useful blocks like the Buffer, Automatic Crafting Table MkII, Black Hole Chest, Incinerator, (Duplicator), Retrievulator and Storage blocks.

DrZhark's Mo'Creatures[]

Here are the creatures that you can spawn using the instant spawner:

Bee, Bear, BigCat, Bird, Boar, Bunny, Butterfly, Cat, Cricket, Crocodile, Deer, Dolphin, Dragonfly, Duck, Firefly, Fish, Fly, Fox, Goat, Horse, HorseMob, JellyFish, Mice, Ogre, Cave Ogre, Fire Ogre, Ostrich, Rat, Ray, Shark, Scorpion, Snail, Snake, Turkey, Turtle, Werewolf, Wraith, Flame Wraith, and Wild Wolf.


Here are some notes that I found:

  • Ender Chest is back to 3x9 in the latest version. Old versions were 3x3, and it will crash if you shift-click items into it with mod version 1.2.1. This is fixed in mod version