Technic Pack Wiki
Technic Pack Wiki

As you might or might not know, I am learning Computer Craft programing once in a while. So I thought about posting some of my programs for anyone interested. Know that these are files that are used by Minecraft game itself, so they don't read too well on text readers.

To use my files, you need to make at least one Turtle and place in your world. Then download my file and put it in the game save folder for that turtle. It's normally in "(Your Minecraft folder)/saves/(Your game name)/computer/(computer/turtle number)".

This might be a FAQ, but I will put it here anyway. If your Turtle won't move, place a stack of coal or charcoal in it's inventory and type: refuel all.

For new version of CC that support it, you can label your turtle, then it will retain fuel and program stored on it. Use this command: label set (turtle name)

Here are a few Turtle movement commands that you may or may not know:
go forward # - example: go forward 3
go back #
go up #
go down #
turn right # - example: turn right 2
turn left #

CTRL-T Terminates a program, might have to press it a few times.
CTRL-R Reboots the turtle.

WARNING: Use my files at your own risk, and any problems will be your own.

Download at: My Mediafire Folder

Lastest Update: Put in a wall builder and made the platdn and tunnelx code a bit more gravel proof.

Program Turtle Notes
tree1 Felling Turtle Chops a 1x1 tree. Place the turtle in front of the lowest tree trunk block then run this program.
tree2 Felling Turtle Chops a 2x2 tree. Place the turtle in front of the left side of the lowest trunk.
platclrup Felling or Minging Turtle A platform clearing program that can also be used for chopping down uneven trees. It needs three values: length, width, and height. Example: platclrup 5 6 20 will clear upwards a 5x6x20 area. Note that it will head to the right side, so place it properly.
platdn any Turtle Builds a platform below the turtle. It needs two values: length, width. Example: platdn 5 6 will build a 5x6 platform, again going right. Be sure to provide it with materials to build the platform with. This is nice for building a platform in mid air, since you can move the Turtle up in the air and get it to build your platform.
wall1 any Turtle Builds one wall. It needs two values: length, height. Give it materials to build with.
wall4 any Turtle Builds four walls of a box house. It needs 3 values: length, width, height. Again, provide it with enough materials to build with.
tunnelx Mining Turtle A tunnel program, good for making a basement or finding diamonds. It needs three values: height, width, and depth. Example: tunnelx 4 3 10 will dig a 4 height, 3 width, and 10 depth tunnel. Leave some Cobblestone or Dirt in turtle slot 1 in case any bridge need building. It doesn't check for fuel or full slots, so fuel up and make sure it has room for items.
quarry Mining Turtle Old quarry program that I modified the built in excavate program to make. I have not tested it recently, so really try at your risk. Type: quarry without any value to find out how to use the program.