Technic Pack Wiki

Xplorer30 Xplorer30 13 January 2013

Computer Craft Turtle Code

As you might or might not know, I am learning Computer Craft programing once in a while. So I thought about posting some of my programs for anyone interested. Know that these are files that are used by Minecraft game itself, so they don't read too well on text readers.

To use my files, you need to make at least one Turtle and place in your world. Then download my file and put it in the game save folder for that turtle. It's normally in "(Your Minecraft folder)/saves/(Your game name)/computer/(computer/turtle number)".

This might be a FAQ, but I will put it here anyway. If your Turtle won't move, place a stack of coal or charcoal in it's inventory and type: refuel all.

For new version of CC that support it, you can label your turtle, then it w…

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Xplorer30 Xplorer30 6 November 2012

Technic and Minecraft 1.4+

I am using this blog as a self note, and to share with anyone interested.

Currently, there is a Technic version 7.3 out. It is for Minecraft 1.42. For me, I had to download the new Technic launcher for this to work. Strangely, for me at least, the new technic-launcher.jar file sits in the "../Application Data" folder, instead of under the "../Application Data/.techniclauncher" folder.

Update: The current latest as of this blog update is Technic 7.5.2 for Minecraft 1.4.6. It has 60 mods.

  • 1 Mods
  • 2 Equivalent Exchange 3
  • 3 Mystcraft
  • 4 Logistics Pipes
  • 5 Advanced Power Managment
  • 6 Immibis Mods
    • 6.1 Advanced Repulsion System
    • 6.2 Tube Stuff
  • 7 DrZhark's Mo'Creatures
  • 8 Notes

This mod pack contain a number of mods, which I will list as they are shown in the Mods list in the…

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Xplorer30 Xplorer30 26 September 2012

ComputerCraft Turtle Quarry

If you have not tried the ComputerCraft Mining Turtle excavate program, you should. It is a cheap quarry for starters.

Anyway, I am currently trying to learn ComputerCraft programing using lua. It might be a bit hardcore for me to dive in right at the excavate program, but it is the most useful thing for me. So, taking an idea from Eloraam's mining turtle fleet (seen in Direworlf20's Server Play season 2, but no way I can program multi-turtle mining right now), I do like her 2x Ender Chest thingy. One Ender Chest for fuel storage, and another for unloading quarry items. This way the turtle never need to head back to surface to unload stuff or refuel.

So far, I changed the default unload(), returnSupplies(), collect(), and refuel() functions …

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Xplorer30 Xplorer30 15 September 2012

Flying Frame Quarry - Direwolf20 Version

Recently, I made a flying frame quarry using Direwolf20's design in his Youtube Season 4 Let's Play episodes 37 to 40. It can dig as big a hole as you like, and can fly(inchworm drive) in four directions to move the whole thing anywhere in your flat world.

The Frame Motor and Support Frame took me some time to get used to, but they work pretty well moving blocks and stuff around anywhere. The RedPower computer control for it should be easier than using Timers and gates, I think.

Anyway, I made it able to dig 30 x 21 rectangle hole in one cycle. Each row of 21 takes about 5 seconds or so to dig, so I will let you calculate how fast this thing can go. If you increase the 21 to some big number, it will take about the same time to dig. Currently…

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