Technic Pack Wiki

Rashid.Blumenbaum Rashid.Blumenbaum 19 September 2012

Industrial mod idea

Recently I've been thinking - what would make this game more challenging? What could refresh it for people who are a bit bored of it? I've come with a following mod idea.

Check the Table of Contents, instead reading whole this jibbba-jabba. Ore names and machine names are jsut placeholders. Please bear with my Engrish.

There are many mods that change the ore system, however most of them focus on adding a number of ores, without providing a decent way to use them. Hereby I come with idea of a new mod, codenamed Silesia (see-lays-ya).

  • 1 Basic concepts
  • 2 Ore quality
  • 3 Tech trees
    • 3.1 Normal ore smelting
    • 3.2 Poor quality ore smelting
    • 3.3 Bad ore smelting
    • 3.4 Rich diamond block
    • 3.5 Poor diamond block
  • 4 Machines
    • 4.1 T2 machine
    • 4.2 T3 machine
    • 4.3 T4 machine
  • 5 Prospection
  • 6 Gamep…

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Rashid.Blumenbaum Rashid.Blumenbaum 3 September 2012

Bridge building machine


Using RedPower, Computercraft and ccSensors I have created an interesting device - Hrabia, the automatic bridge builder.

Main components of this machine are:

  • Omnidirectional Frame Motor engine
  • Gantry with a drill (Block Breakers)
  • Gantry with an array of three Assemblers

User can manually position the machine and set the z-level on which construction will take place. The actual deformation of terrain is not important and has no influence on the building process, as seen in the picture.

After seting up the position, Hrabia deploy the gantries. Building gantry starts to construct the bridge according to the pattern given by the user. After finishing one part, Hrabia tries to move forward. On failure, Hrabia will try to destroy any blocks on it…

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