Technic Pack Wiki

Nethaufer Nethaufer 7 January 2013

Oh Yeah...

I forgot that I was working on the Nuclear Reactor page for the newest version of IC2. Silly me.

(OMG, you didn't use the word 'Regarding' in the title!)

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Nethaufer Nethaufer 10 December 2012

Regarding Ban Times Assigned from Vandalism

I think by now, all of the admins on here automatically ban for six months, sometimes shorter for some cases, other times it is for longer. Here are two cases where I will make it longer.

Today, I encountered the first case of someone griefing another user's user page. If you grief someone's user page, you will be banned for a year. No exclusions and no getting out of it, unless if another admin decides to do unban you.

I also found a case where the same person repeatedly griefed the same page during the same day, after each time someone fixed it. You will be banned for a year. If all you want to do involving this site is to damage the information in it, you don't deserve to be here.

Finally, a case where I will ban someone for a shorter time…

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Nethaufer Nethaufer 3 December 2012

Regarding Fixing Vandalism

I've noticed quite a bit of vandalism, but that's normal. Obviously some people are going to try and fix it. I've been noticing that people have been 'fixing' it wrong. They just remove the vandal text. This is wrong. You need to go into the revision history and check to make sure that the vandal did not remove text. If they did, and all you do is remove the vandal text, then you lose information. Please check to make sure that they didn't remove any text when they vandalized.

Thank you, Nethaufer (talk) 16:59, December 3, 2012 (UTC)

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Nethaufer Nethaufer 11 October 2012

Regarding Foul Language Limits

I don't know about how the other admins will handle things like swearing, but for me, as long as you keep it tame (remember, there may be kids who come to this site) and at least make an effort to keep it censored, I will not punish you.

HOWEVER, in regards to derogatory insults and homophobic slurs (I really hope I do not need to provide any examples) you will get one warning and the next time I will ban you for an extended amount of time.

Consider this your first warning, Nethaufer (talk) 16:26, October 11, 2012 (UTC)

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Nethaufer Nethaufer 9 October 2012

Regarding Linking

So I've seen quite a bit on some of the pages that I don't frequent normally, that there are a lot of doubles of the same link. I've seen a mention of one item, like, say, Copper multiple times in the same page. It should only be that Copper is linked the first time it is mentioned in the page, and then never again on that page, and it should be the first time mentioned, not the second, not the third, not the last.

Also, always use an internal link when you link to an item that is in this wiki, not an external link. It's just easier that way. Only use an external link when you are linking to something that is outside of the wiki. Like if you wanted to link a mention of a vanilla item and you want to link it to the Official Wiki. You use an ext…

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