Technic Pack Wiki

Gar1onriva Gar1onriva 16 July 2013

New Voltz Series: Voltec

Helllllo, Technicites!

I am Gar1onriva, long-time contributor to this wiki as well as a couple of others.

I have just started a new Youtube Voltz series called Voltec. It is the spiritual successor to my previous series, Tek-Town. It stars me (Gar1onriva), James (Ninjajimbo) and Hazel (Hazellic).

I'd really appreciate it if you took a look and liked/subbed/shared/etc.

I hope you enjoy it.

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Gar1onriva Gar1onriva 1 January 2013

Technic SSP: Raising a City

Helllllo again, my fellow Technic Players.

I have started a new series in which I will be building a city entirely on Technic SSP (which means no cheats). This city will be fully functioning, with a power grid, plumbing and whatever else I can think of.

It's filmed in a combination of panning 'timelapse-esque' shots and real-time Technical detail building.

I've kicked it off by constructing a small electric substation to power the first section of my Technic City.

I'd appreciate any suggestions or requests of stuff to include.

Catch you later.

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Gar1onriva Gar1onriva 26 November 2012

Technic Tutorials Youtube series

Hello. I am Gar1onriva and I am currently 45 parts into a tutorial series for the subject of this wiki.

While I have a predecided order in which to feature on videos, I am always open to suggestions and requests from my viewers.

One thing I should mention is that my series is designed to be 'linear'. By this I mean that someone should be able to watch them from the beginning and understand everything I mention. Because of this, if there is something that requires another object/block, I shall do a video on that first and work my way to the requested thing.

e.g. Someone requested I feature muskets, but muskets can be added to by an iron knife, so I did a video on Balkon's knives and then muskets.

If there is anything that any of you would like to…

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