Technic Pack Wiki

Felinoel Felinoel 11 January 2013

Creeper in hard hat icon

Some of you may notice the new creeper in hard hat icon for the site, I uploaded it, couldn't believe we didn't have our own webpage icon yet so figured that should work.

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Felinoel Felinoel 10 October 2012

Computercraft Lua code samples, should we list them?

So people keep asking for Lua codes for the Computercraft mod for things like turtles and computers, what codes would be good in a tutorial article?

  • Computer
    • Door Lock
    • Post more suggestions in the comments!
  • Wireless Modem
    • News feed for displaying on monitors
    • Command center for turtle fleets
    • Post more suggestions in the comments!
  • Mining turtle
    • Mine x amount of blocks
    • Mine only certain blocks
    • Dump inventory in a specific location
  • Melee turtle
    • Kill only certain targets
    • Post more suggestions in the comments!
  • Farming turtle
    • Post more suggestions in the comments!
  • Digging turtle
    • Post more suggestions in the comments!
  • Turtle
    • Assign locations to numbers, use numbers as places to trigger noteblocks to play, use turtles playing noteblocks for songmaking. xD
    • Post more sug…
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Felinoel Felinoel 25 September 2012

Technic SMP Items To Suggest For Banning List!

For when Technic gets updated to the new Minecraft that has no SSP, there will be servers using Technic... but there are a lot of items that should be banned from regular user use and let's note them here so we can make a tutorial on this later possibly!

The below list will likely be made into an article for people running a server to suggest that they to block from their server, the list will not demand it, only suggest.

Banned items do not necessarily mean that they are removed from the game, they could mean that, or they could mean that they will require someone with certain rights to make/spawn, or they can mean that whenever someone uses the item a notice will flash to everyone about the item being used and coordinates will be given too…

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Felinoel Felinoel 23 August 2012

What will happen with Technic versus Tekkit with the removal of SSP?

SSP is gone, what will happen with Technic and Tekkit without it?

I guess a Bukkit version of Technic still would be handy, what with there being Bukkit servers still, but is it really all that needed? I heard the removal of SSP was why they killed the YogBox...

Thoughts? 12:58, August 23, 2012 (UTC)

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Felinoel Felinoel 14 August 2012

Why did Millenaire get removed?

I seem to be out of the loop but does anyone know why Millenaire got removed?

14:41, August 14, 2012 (UTC)

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