Technic Pack Wiki

I have been noticing this a lot recently, so I wanted to write about it. Often times people complain in the comments about a lack of information within a page, even if the page is tagged "Unfinished". Quite honestly one should save their breath and rather than complain do everyone a favor and add more information, even if you just google the mods main wiki and copy- paste (cite your source) some stuff over and make it fit the general template used on the Technic wiki. At least, if you really do not feel like contributing to the wiki, leave some constructive criticism like: "Would be nice if you could explain xyz in more detail" or "Link abc is dead, could you please check it out". All of us contributers do this for free, so please do not make this feel like a job and rather say thanks once in a while.

For anyone who would liek to contribute now check out Nethaufers post on finishing a page.

CHaOZZoNE (talk) 11:12, September 9, 2012 (UTC)