Technic Pack Wiki

Hello users and contributors of the Technic Pack Wiki! I'm A Random Contributor. I'm usually active on the Call of Duty Wiki, but ever since I started playing Tekkit, I've been drawn here, reading and editing for hours on end, and enjoying every minute of it. This is my first blog evar! So I wanted to just introduce myself. Below are some ideas for larger, and possibly helpful, explosives for Tekkit and Technic. {C

Hyper Nuke Recipe

The Hyper Nuke recipe.

Hyper Nuke = 394,944 EMC (Uranium x8 + Gunpowder x9). The Hyper Nuke has a blast radius of 50, and destroys just about everything inside its radius (Like a regular Nuke), and only requires the materials to almost create 2 regular Nukes.

Nova Nuke Recipe

The Nova Nuke recipe.

The Nova Nuke = 427,712 EMC (Uranium x8 +Gunpowder x9 + Aeternalis Fuel x4). The Nova Nuke is a step up from the Hyper Nuke. Not only does it have a wopping blast radius of 70, but it also drops all the items it 'destroys' onto your head (That's probably going to be alot of cobblestone and dirt). So now, you can destroy your opponents base, and take all their precious minerals, all your base are belong to us!

Tsar Bomb Recipe

The Tsar Bomb recipe.

The Tsar Bomb = 2,220,544 EMC (Uranium x32 + Gunpowder x36 + Aeternalis Fuel x20 + Red Matter (Block) x1). Holy censored censored censored on a censored censored censored! It's a Tsar Bomb! Named after the largest nuclear device ever detonated (Those crazy Russians), and is a step up from the Nova Nuke. It's got a pretty hefty EMC value, of over 2.2 million EMC, so is only for players with a bit of Red Matter lying around. With a staggering blast radius of 100 blocks, the Tsar bomb will bring unrelenting destruction to any player, building or cow unfortunate enough to be in the reach of this monster. Unlike the Nova Nuke, the Tsar Bomb destroys everything within its radius, but does leave behind a lovely looking crater.

So, what did you guys (and girls if there is any out there) think of these ideas? Would you like a larger range of explosives added to Tekkit/Technic? This is my first Blog, and I will probably do alot more, mainly based on possible crafting recipes for item ideas, but also some of my opinions on, not just Tekkit, but Minecraft as a whole. Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear some feedback, A Random Contributor 21:06, July 30, 2012 (UTC).