Technic Pack Wiki
Logo railcraft 40 Undercutter contains information about the Railcraft mod.

Undercutters are automated carts for digging underneath sections of track and replacing the material with suitable track ballast. Currently only Gravel and Crushed Obsidian are considered valid ballasts.

An Undercutter can be set to replace two materials with ballast when it passes over them. Each time an Undercutter passes over a section of track, if it detects one of the two materials to be replaced, it will dig up that block and replace it with the material its carrying.

If linked in a train with a Storage Cart, the Undercutter will treat that cart as part of its inventory, pulling ballast from it and storing the dug-up waste material there.

Undercutters are NOT self-powered, and require a Powered Cart or similar to push/pull it along.


Crafting GUI

Dandelion Yellow


Diamond Shovel

Redstone Lamp

Steel Block


Dandelion Yellow


Diamond Shovel

