Technic Pack Wiki

Thermal Expansion is a third-party expansion on the BuildCraft module, designed to add additional, modular machines that improve efficiency and can function as compact, self-sufficient factories without the need for BuildCraft Pipes.

The core of the Thermal Expansion Mod is each machine's Reconfigurable Sides: the ability to set the input and output sides to whichever face of the block the player chooses, through a simple, easy-to-interpret Tabbed Graphic Interface. Additionally, since Thermal Expansion was designed to expand BuildCraft, all T.E. machines run on MinecraftJoules (MJs) - BuildCraft's standard unit of work and energy.

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  1. Crescent Hammer
  2. Sawdust, Compressed Sawdust
  3. Rockwool
  4. Slag
  5. Wood Pulp
  6. Sulphur
  7. Niter

