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Logo-TC 40 Thaumium Tools contains information about the ThaumCraft mod.

Thaumium Tools are durable type of tools that lie about halfway between iron and diamond in terms of efficiency, durability and strength.


The Thaumium tools look similar to the vanilla tools and are crafted using the same recipe shapes. The only noticeable difference in their appearance is that they are of a purple color.

Their strength and durabillity lies between that of Iron and Diamond tools, lasting 384 uses. For comparison, here are the values for Vanilla minecraft tools alongside that of Thaumcraft's Thaumium weapons:

  • Gold: 33 uses
  • Wood: 60 uses
  • Stone: 128 uses
  • Iron: 256 uses
  • Thaumium: 384 uses (1.5x tougher than Iron)
  • Diamond: 1562 uses

Like the individual Thaumium Armor pieces, the Thaumium Tools are much easier to enchant than regular tools, yielding better enchantments at a lower Experience or Vis cost. In addition to that, the Thaumium Tools can not only hold the maximum number of enchantments, but they can also get stronger and better enchantments than any other type of tools or weapons. So if you want to take full advantage of the set, you should try to get some good enchantments using a Thaumic Enchanter or an Occultic Enchanter, the last of which enables you to pick and choose the enchantments you like.

The Pickaxe can mine obsidian

Last but not least, each Thaumium Tool is needed for the creation of the corresponding elemental tool or weapon (which are linked below).


Thaumium Sword Thaumium Pickaxe
Crafting GUI

Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Ingot


Thaumium Sword

Crafting GUI

Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Ingot



Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Pickaxe

Thaumium Shovel Thaumium Axe
Crafting GUI

Thaumium Ingot



Thaumium Shovel

Crafting GUI

Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Ingot



Thaumium Axe

Thaumium Hoe
Crafting GUI

Thaumium Ingot

Thaumium Ingot



Thaumium Hoe

Video Tutorial[]

See also[]
