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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-TC 40 Symbols and Runes contains information about the ThaumCraft mod.

In ThaumCraft, combining blank Symbols with various blocks (required block or item noted in green next to Symbol name) or items in an infuser creates special magical circles/squares that can be placed on the ground or against walls. They have varying effects and their functions can be modified further by placing a Rune on the Symbol.

By default most Symbols affect an area 7 squares wide and 7 squares long depending on how there were placed. Most Symbols can be deactivated by connecting them to active Redstone current.

Crafting Recipes[]

Blank Symbol Blank Rune
Crafting GUI

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Blank Symbol

Crafting GUI

Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

Blank Rune


There are 6 types of Runes (Iron, Gold, Diamond, Flint, Redstone and Lapis), each crafted by combining a blank Rune with the appropriate item in a charged Vis Infuser). They modify the functioning of the Symbol they are placed on (see the listing below).

Iron Rune Gold Rune

Iron (Ingot)

Blank Rune

Iron Rune


Gold Ingot

Blank Rune

Gold Rune

Diamond Rune Flint Rune

Diamond (Gem)

Blank Rune

Diamond Rune



Blank Rune

Flint Rune

Redstone Rune Lapis Rune

Redstone (Dust)

Blank Rune

Redstone Rune


Lapis Lazuli (Dye)

Blank Rune

Lapis Rune


Iron (Iron ingot) / Stone (Stone block)[]


Iron (Ingot)

Blank Symbol

Iron Symbol



Blank Symbol

Stone Symbol

The Iron Symbol pulls items towards it, while the Stone Symbol pushes them away. The Symbols do not consume Vis, but the item speed is quite slow. Any movement occurs on the horizontal axis only. If within range of a node, the pull/push strength is increased, but Vis is consumed.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. The Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune causes the Symbol to push or pull on the vertical axis as well. The Diamond Rune Grid Diamond Rune causes any items that reach the Iron Symbol to be sucked up and placed in an adjacent chest.

Gold (Gold ingot) / Lapis (Lapis)[]


Gold Ingot

Blank Symbol

Gold Symbol


Lapis Lazuli (Dye)

Blank Symbol

Lapis Symbol

Similar to the Iron and Stone Symbols, except the Gold Symbol pulls mobs and the Lapis Symbol pushed them away. Any movement occurs on the horizontal axis only. If within range of a node the pull/push strength is increased, but Vis is consumed.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. The Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune causes the Symbol to push or pull on the vertical axis as well.

Verdant (Verdant Vis Crystal)[]


Verdant Vis Crystal

Blank Symbol

Verdant Symbol

The verdant Symbol promotes the growth of plants. Crops, reeds, cacti, melons and watermelons grow much faster along as there is a node nearby and there is Vis to consume. As a side effect moss also slowly grows on any Cobblestone in the area.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. The Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune increases the speed at which it operates.

Earth(Dirt Block)[]



Blank Symbol

Earth Symbol

The earth Symbol has several practical uses. By default it tills any dirt or grass blocks in its area (at no Thaum cost), and when imbued with a Diamond Rune it also harvest fully grown crops, melons, etc. Harvesting does require a nearby node and costs Vis.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area.

Frozen (Frozen Vis Crystal)[]


Frozen Vis Crystal

Blank Symbol

Frozen Symbol

This Symbol sends out a blast of freezing cold towards any animals or monsters. This hampers their movement. If it is within range of a node the slowing effect is greatly increased at the cost of minor Vis consumption.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. With Redstone Rune Grid Redstone Rune it only targets hostile mobs. With Lapis Rune Grid Lapis Rune it only targets animals. With a Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune it slowly lifts the mob into the air. With a Diamond Rune Grid Diamond Rune it can affect more than one mob at a time.

Blazing (Fiery Vis Crystal)[]


Fiery Vis Crystal

Blank Symbol

Blazing Symbol

This Symbol sends out a stream of fire at any living creature other than the player. This Symbol must be within range of a node and requires Vis to work.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. With Redstone Rune Grid Redstone Rune it only targets hostile mobs. With Lapis Rune Grid Lapis Rune it only targets animals. With a Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune it does increased damage (but also consumes more Vis). With a Diamond Rune Grid Diamond Rune it can affect more than one mob at a time.

Shocking (Electrified Vis Crystal)[]


Electrified Vis Crystal

Blank Symbol

Shocking Symbol

This Symbol sends out bolts of crippling lightning at any living creature other than the player. This Symbol must be within range of a node and requires Vis to work.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. With Redstone Rune Grid Redstone Rune it only targets hostile mobs. With Lapis Rune Grid Lapis Rune it only targets animals. With a Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune it does increased rate of fire. With a Diamond Rune Grid Diamond Rune it can affect more than one mob at a time.

Seeing (spider eye)[]


Spider Eye

Blank Symbol

Seeing Symbol

This Symbol detects any entities in its area and sends out a Redstone current. By default it detects all mobs, animals, items and the player. This Symbol does not consume Vis.

Rune effects: Iron Rune Grid Iron Rune doubles area. It only detects the player with a Gold Rune Grid Gold Rune. It only detects hostile with a Redstone Rune Grid Redstone Rune. It only detects animals with a Lapis Rune Grid Lapis Rune. It only detects items with a Flint Rune Grid Flint Rune.

Void (Stabilized Arcane Singularity)[]


Stabilized Arcane Singularity

Blank Symbol

Void Symbol


A void portal connected to the Redstone Rune network.

These Symbols acts as a means of traveling long distances in an instant. However they need to be placed on an arch of obsidian for them to function properly (as pictured above). The arch requires 7 blocks of obsidian in total (3 each side and a center keystone on which you will place the Symbol). If properly placed a gateway will soon form that will send you to other, similarly constructed gateways. Each time the gate is used it needs time (and significant Vis) to recharge - this applies to both the source and destination gate. Items and creatures can also pass through the gate, though their Vis cost and recharge time is much less than for the player. There are also talismans which allow you to teleport to any network from anywhere in your world.

NOTE: Symbols placed on a surface without an obsidian arch still counts as valid exit points for transportation, but cannot be used as entry points - one-way gates if you will.

Rune effects: Any Runes placed on this Symbol determined what 'network' it belongs to. For example, enter a gate with a Gold Symbol Grid Gold Rune and you will appear at one of the other gates marked with a Gold Symbol (randomly determined for networks with more than one valid destination). Symbols without Runes also counts as a distinct network.
