Technic Pack Wiki
Logo pickaxe The article Sugarcane Harvester is still unfinished and may be lacking detailed general information, screenshots, and crafting recipes. Please expand the article and remove the {{unfinished}} tag once the article can be considered complete.
Logo-forestry 40 Sugarcane Harvester contains information about the Forestry mod which is not included in the current recommended version of Technic Pack and might be outdated..

The Sugarcane Harvester will harvest the topmost block of any sugarcane in its area that has grown to its full size. Covers an area of 21x6x21. It automatically ejects harvested sugarcane into connected buildcraft pipes or adjacent chests. It requires one of any type of engine powering it, though it will require more than 5 redstone engines for it to keep up with a sugar cane farm covering its maximum area.

Like all forestry content, it is no longer in recent technic versions.


Crafting GUI

Sugar Canes


Sugar Canes




Sugar Canes


Sugar Canes

Sugar Cane Harvester
