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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Soul Stone is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Soul Stone
Grid Soul Stone
Type Tool
Stackable No
EMC Value 412,768
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Soul Stone is an item that is part of the Equivalent Exchange mod. It can be used to give the player health, as well as for a number of other functions.


Crafting GUI

Glowstone Dust

Red Matter

Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust

Lapis Lazuli

Glowstone Dust

Glowstone Dust

Red Matter

Glowstone Dust

Soul Stone


While the Soul Stone is held in the hand, the following functions can be used:

  1. Pressing G will heal the player 1 heart per 1/2 second, consuming 2 redstone from his/her inventory for every heart.
  2. When pressing Left Click, the Soul Stone will heal the player for a single heart.
  3. When used against a mob, the Soul Stone will heal that mob for a single heart.


  • The Soul Stone can be thought of as a partner to the Body Stone (combining the two will create the Life Stone).

EMC value[]

6 x 384 (Glowstone Dust) + 2 x 204,800 (Red Matter Orb) + 1 x 864 (Lapis Lazuli) = 412,768 EMC each.

Video Tutorial[]
