Technic Pack Wiki
Technic Pack Wiki
Logo pickaxe The article Silver Ore is still unfinished and may be lacking detailed general information, screenshots, and crafting recipes. Please expand the article and remove the {{unfinished}} tag once the article can be considered complete.
Redpower-logo1 Silver Ore contains information about the RedPower mod.
Silver Ore
Grid Silver Ore
Type Ore
Physics No
Transparency No
Luminance No
Tool Grid Stone Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
Data Value dec. 2314:3
EMC Value 512
Included in Redpower

Silver is an ore added by the Redpower mod.

When mined, it drops one block of Silver ore. The ore can be turned into Silver Dust by the Industrial Craft Macerator:

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Macerator

Silver Ore

RE Battery (Charged)

Silver Dust


The dust and the ore block can be smelted into silver ingots in one of the countless different furnaces:

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Furnace

Silver Dust

Coal (Item)

Silver Ingot

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Furnace

Silver Ore

Coal (Item)

Silver Ingot

Silver is necessary for smelting Nikolite into Blue Alloy Ingots in the Alloy Furnace, making it an important component for the creation of more advanced Redpower machinery like the Blulectric Alloy Furnace. But oddly enough, unlike other ingots, silver cannot be converted into a silver block, therefore taking up 9 times the amount of space in a chest than a block would.

Alloy Furnace GUI



Silver Ingot

Blue Alloy Ingot

The Silver Ingots have an EMC value of 512, which is double the worth of Iron, Tin or Bronze ingots. They can also be used as a substitute for Redstone Dust when crafting IC Glass Fibre Cables:

Crafting GUI


Silver Ingot






Silver Ingot


Glass Fibre Cable


Picture Gallery[]

Video Tutorial[]

