The full efficiency seems to be in a 15x15 block area around the seal. Farther away the boost is somewhat weaker.
Boosts the operation speed of thaumic devices in the area, but does not have an effect on the Aura ratings.
As above but more powerful.
As the two above but significantly more powerful.
Creates a magical Portal that transports you to other seals with this combination. The third slot lets you link the Portal to networks, thus allowing you to create a total of seven distinct Portal networks (no essence, Magic, Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Dark).
Each teleportation increase Taint value in the Aura for some seconds, not a lot, but take care.
Creates a Portal and links it to the Magic network.
Creates a Portal and links it to the Earth network.
Creates a Portal and links it to the Fire network.
Creates a Portal and links it to the Water network.
Creates a Portal and links it to the Dark network.
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects items, creatures, or players within short range and line of sight. (7x7 blocks)
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects hostile creatures within medium range and line of sight. (13x13 blocks)
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects items within medium range and line of sight. (13x13 blocks)
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects items, creatures, or players within long range and line of sight. (19x19 blocks)
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects animals within medium range and line of sight. (13x13 blocks)
Powers the block the seal is mounted on with a Redstone signal if it detects players within medium range and line of sight. (13x13 blocks)
Chunk Loaders / Anchors[]
Anchors the world in place, preventing the chunk it is located in from being unloaded along with the 8 chunks surrounding it (3x3 chunks).
Anchors the world in place, preventing the chunk it is located in from being unloaded along with the 24 chunks surrounding it (5x5 chunks).
Combinations starting with Air[]
Emits a weak blast of air that blows items and creatures away. (7x7 blocks)
Emits a moderate blast of air that blows items and creatures away. (11x11 blocks)
Emits a strong blast of air that blows creatures away. (15x15 blocks)
Emits a strong blast of air that blows items and creatures away. (15x15 blocks)
Emits a strong blast of air that blows items away. (15x15 blocks)
Lightning Throwers[]
Fires lightning bolts at creatures within medium range.
Fires lightning bolts at creatures within medium range. Targets only hostile creatures.
Rapidly fires lightning bolts at creatures within long range. Very useful for base defense or the construction of mob grinders.
Fires incredibly powerful lightning bolts at creatures within medium range.
Fires lightning bolts at creatures within medium range. Targets only animals.
Fires a multitude of lightning bolts at creatures within medium range.
Fires a lightning bolts at players within medium range, including yourself. You can avoid being hit by putting a block in the line of sight.
Sucks in nearby creatures and items. (11x11 blocks)
Strongly sucks in nearby creatures. (15x15 blocks)
Strongly sucks in nearby items and creatures. (15x15 blocks)
Strongly sucks in nearby items. (15x15 blocks)
Strongly sucks in nearby items and creatures. Anything that touches the seal will take damage; this destroys items! (13x13 blocks)
Sucks in items and puts them in a nearby chest within 2 blocks range if they touch the seal. Sometimes, the items will get stuck at the sides of the seal and won't be transported to the chest. (13x13 blocks)
Combinations starting with Water[]
Irrigation Seal[]
Hydrates tilled soil within a large area (7x7 blocks). Can be used for auto-farming.
Heals a creature in a small area for a small amount of health.
Heals the player and his allies in the area for a small amount of health.
Rapidly heals a creature in the area for a small amount of health.
Heals a creature in the area for a small amount of health and adds a short regeneration buff.
Heals an animal in the area for a small amount of health.
Heals all creatures in the area for a small amount of health.
Heals a hostile creature in the area for a small amount of health.
Slows down living creatures within short range.
Slows down foes only within medium range.
Slows down creatures within medium range and launches them into the air.
Slows down living creatures within long range.
Slows down animals within medium range.
Simultaneously slows down all creatures within medium range.
Slows down players (including yourself) within medium range.
Accelerates growth of plants and crops within short range. (7x7 blocks)
Rapidly accelerates growth of plants and crops within short range. (7x7 blocks)
Accelerates growth of plants and crops within long range. (13x13 blocks)
Combinations starting with Earth[]
Soil Tillers[]
Tills soil in a small area (7x7 blocks). Can be used for auto-farming.
As above, but tills a slightly larger area. (7x7 blocks, too, maybe a bug)
As the two above, but tills a significantly larger area. (13x13 blocks)
Replants seeds, saplings and other plants within short range. (13x13 blocks)
Rapidly replants seeds, saplings and other plants within short range. (13x13 blocks)
Replants seeds, saplings and other plants within long range. (25x25 blocks)
These work properly with IC Crop blocks leaving the base plant behind.
Harvests crops within short range; the harvested/dropped items will remain where the crop has been harvested. (7x7 blocks)
Rapidly harvests crops within short range. (7x7 blocks)
Harvests crops within a large radius. (13x13 blocks)
Combinations starting with Fire[]
Flame Throwers[]
Emits a short range cone of fire at nearby enemies with a minor area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby creatures within a moderate area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby creatures within a large area of effect. The beam only targets aggressive creatures.
Emits a long range stream of fire at nearby creatures within a small area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby creatures within a huge area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby animals within a large area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby creatures within a large area of effect.
Emits a medium range cone of fire at nearby players within a large area of effect.
Steam Throwers[]
Pushes creatures away and damages them.
Pushes creatures away and damages them. Does not miss and has a significantly longer range.
Pushes creatures away and damages them. Does significantly more damage.
Combinations starting with Dark[]
Taint/Vis Destroyers[]
Causes the Vis and Taint within a chunk to slowly cancel each other on a 1-for-1 basis. This process does cause a Taint charge however.
Rapidly causes the Vis and Taint within a chunk to cancel each other on a 1-for-1 basis. This process does cause a Taint charge however.