Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Rubber Sapling contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.
Redpower-logo1 Rubber Sapling contains information about the RedPower mod.
Rubber Sapling
Grid Rubber Sapling
Type Sapling
Physics Yes
Transparency Some
Luminance No
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec. 2395 and 2315:1
Included in Industrial CraftRedpower

There are two types of Rubber Saplings in the Technic Pack.

Industrial Craft Rubber Tree leaves drop saplings at a random chance. They can be placed in an Extractor for one Rubber. They will grow into Rubber Trees and work just like normal saplings.

RedPower Rubber Trees will also drop saplings that can also be put in an Extractor for one Rubber. They are worth 32 EMC.

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