Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Reinforced Materials contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.
Reinforced Materials
Reinforced Glass
Reinforced gllass.
Included in Industrial Craft

There are three types of Reinforced Material added by Industrial Craft, all made from Advanced Alloy and having much increased blast resistance. These materials also are extremely tough, requiring about 5 seconds to mine with a Red Morningstar.

Reinforced Stone[]

Reinforced Stone
Block Reinforced Stone
Name Reinforced Stone
Type Block
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
Included in Industrial Craft

Reinforced stone is the main reinforced building material. It is extremely strong, and can even stand up to a nuclear explosion and only have a couple of blocks destroyed. It is made from eight stone and an Advanced Alloy, which makes eight. A two thick layer will definitely survive a nuke while three layers are required to protect against an exploding reactor

  • Reinforced Stone can be moved by pistons and sticky pistons.
Crafting GUI





Advanced Alloy





Reinforced Stone


Reinforced Glass[]

Reinforced Glass
Block Reinforced Glass
Name Reinforced Glass
Type Block
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
Included in Industrial Craft

Reinforced glass is very similar to Reinforced stone, except you can see through it. It is made from seven glass and two Advanced Alloy, which makes seven. it has an almost identical blast resistance to reinforced stone and the same thickness is reqiured to survive a blast

  • Reinforced Glass can be moved by pistons and sticky pistons.
Crafting GUI




Advanced Alloy


Advanced Alloy




Reinforced Glass


Reinforced Door[]

Reinforced Door
Block Reinforced Door
Name Reinforced Door
Type Door
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
Included in Industrial Craft

Made from six Reinforced stone, the Reinforced door is an explosion resistant door. It can only be opened or closed with a redstone current, like an Iron door.

Note: Placing a Reinforced door on a weak block like dirt is useless; if the block under it is destroyed, the Reinforced door will be as well.

Crafting GUI

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Stone

Reinforced Door

Special Note: When building bunkers, containment chambers, or moving blast doors. Remember that all blast resistant blocks need to be touching side against side, not just corners or edges. Not "sealing" your corners will let explosions through these spots, resulting in destroyed pistons, wires, and anything in its way.
