Refined Uranium, made by placing Uranium in a Compressor, is used to create Uranium Cells. One empty cell and a Refined Uranium make a Uranium Cell, and 8 cells in a square around the Uranium makes 8 Near-Depleted Uranium Cells.
Nine can be stored in a Uranium Block.
Using refined uranium and gunpowder, the player can create a Nuclear Bomb (recipe below). It acts the same as a TNT block but with a larger blast radius.
Compressing Uranium into Refined Uranium gives you the "Radioactivity" achievement, which is essential to earning the endgame achievement, "Crazy Ivan".
Oddly, Refined Uranium does not have an EMC value, unlike Uranium Ore.
To make Refined Uranium
To make a Uranium Cell
To make eight Near-Depleted Uranium Cells
To make a Uranium Block
To make a Nuclear Bomb
Video Tutorial[]