The 'Array' module of Redpower adds several more advanced parts and logic circuits.
Basic Parts[]
Stone Redwire[]
By supporting red alloy wire instead of simply baking redstone into the substrate, a stone redwire can convey signals at full strength to and from the outside world.
Array Circuits[]
Null Cell[]
The null cell performs no logic function, simply acting as a crossover for two red alloy wires.
Invert Cell[]
The invert cell acts as two crossing wires with an invert function. When the lower wire is unpowered, the upper wire gets powered. When the lower wire is powered, the upper wire is returned to its natural state.
Non-Invert Cell[]
The non-invert cell acts as two crossing wires with a buffer function. When the lower wire is powered, the upper wire gets powered. When the lower wire is unpowered, the upper wire is returned to its natural state.