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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Pedestal is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Grid DM Pedestal
Type Machine
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
EMC Value 2,564,096
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The pedestal is a functioning block that is part of the Equivalent Exchange mod. When right-clicked or given redstone power, it will activate an effect of various alchemy power items. The GUI can be opened by crouching and clicking on the pedestal. Its area of effect is 9 blocks in every direction. When active, the pedestal will appear to be on fire and Enderman-like particles will appear around it.

Pedestal gui

The pedestals GUI.


Items that currently work with the pedestal : All the rings, Talisman of Repair, Watch of Flowing Time, Soul Stone.


Crafting GUI

Red Matter

Red Matter

DM Block

DM Block

DM Block

DM Block

Red Matter

Red Matter

DM Block

DM Pedestal

EMC Value[]

4 x 466,944 (Red Matter) + 5 x 139,264 (Dark Matter Block) = 2,564,096 EMC each.


  • The Pedestal's slot in the GUI has a symbol that resembles the Triforce.
