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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Overclocker Upgrade contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.


An Overclocker upgrade can be used to speed up machines at the cost of higher energy consumption. Place one or more Overclocker upgrades into the four right-most slots to upgrade a machine.


Crafting GUI

Coolant Cell

Insulated Copper Cable

Coolant Cell

Electronic Circuit

Coolant Cell

Insulated Copper Cable

Overclocker Upgrade


Crafting GUI

10K Cooling Cell

Insulated Copper Cable

10K Cooling Cell

Electronic Circuit

10K Cooling Cell

Insulated Copper Cable

Overclocker Upgrade


Each upgrade reduces the operating time to 70% of the previous value and increases energy consumption by 60%. The Overclocker upgrade's effects stack exponentially. For example, two upgrades makes the machine operate at (0.7)^2 = 0.49 times normal time (100% faster) and uses 1.6^2 = 2.56 times the energy (139% more). 8 of them will run the machine at over 8 times normal speed, and use over 43 times as much EU.

Overclocker upgrades result in poorer energy efficiency (more EU will be consumed per operation). This results in a 12 percent increase in energy per operation per upgrade (0.7*1.6 = 1.12, (1.12)^10 = 3.11 ). While building multiple machines makes better use of a limited energy supply, but overclocking allows for reduced space and wiring requirements when time or compact construction are more important or energy is plentiful. The reduced efficiency can be mitigated by combining both approaches, dividing a number of Overclocker upgrades evenly between many machines.


  • An overclocked machine's speed cannot exceed 1 operation per tick (20 operations per second), but it will still use more power. This limits the number of useful Overclockers to 16 for the Macerator, Extractor, and Compressor, 13 for the Electric Furnace, and 8 for the Recycler. Exceeding these amounts will serve nothing but to waste power.
  • If you add a sufficient number of Overclocker upgrades, the power consumption per tick will exceed the machine's internal storage, and the machine will not be able to run without an Energy Storage Upgrade.
  • It appears that the number of ticks required for a machine operation is always rounded to the nearest integer (but it can never be 0), while the EU/t is always rounded down to the nearest integer. This has a few implications. First off, a machine with the maximum of useful Overclockers will be more efficient than a machine which is one short (and thus is half as fast but uses only 37.5% less power). Secondly, a Recycler or Electric Furnace with 1 Overclocker is more efficient than one without any.
  • When overclocking a Rotary Macerator, Centrifuge Extractor, or Singularity Compressor, while power consumption will increase, the maximum speed is boosted only by a mere 500 RPM, 500 mps, or 5000 PSI per Overclocker, resulting in a speed boost of 6.7% which does not stack, rather than a 42.9% boost which does. However, these machines reach full speed much more quickly than normal when overclocked.

Video Tutorial[]


Let's Play - Technic Pack with Adolamin - Ep 9 Diamond Drills and Overclocking!
