This article does not include the Nano Saber.
The Nano Suit is a highly specialized suit of armor. It is made of Carbon Plates and Energy Crystals. They protect the player though an energy field that prevents 90% of all damage (as long as the WHOLE suit is charged), and because the energy field needs energy to work it is almost completely useless uncharged. A full set requires 21 Carbon Plates, 4 Energy Crystals, and 1 Glass. In raw materials this translates to 168 coal, 32 redstone, 4 diamonds and 1 sand. It can be charged in an MFE Unit, an MFSU or a solar panel. The Nano Suit is a main element in the Quantum Suit. The only difference between the two is that the Nano Suit will negate almost all damage, while the Quantum makes the player almost invincible. A recent test, where a player in a Nano Suit was dropped from from 80 blocks, proved that the Nano Suit could easily prevent death in most areas(the player lost 1/2 hearts). Another test in which the player was placed in front of 5 skeletons, also helped to prove that Nano Suit was amazing (the player lost 0 hearts total).[1]
Video Tutorial[]
Minecraft Technic Part 9 Nano Armour, Nano Sabre and a Rampage!