Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Nano Suit contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.

This article does not include the Nano Saber.

The Nano Suit is a highly specialized suit of armor. It is made of Carbon Plates and Energy Crystals. They protect the player though an energy field that prevents 90% of all damage (as long as the WHOLE suit is charged), and because the energy field needs energy to work it is almost completely useless uncharged. A full set requires 21 Carbon Plates, 4 Energy Crystals, and 1 Glass. In raw materials this translates to 168 coal, 32 redstone, 4 diamonds and 1 sand. It can be charged in an MFE Unit, an MFSU or a solar panel. The Nano Suit is a main element in the Quantum Suit. The only difference between the two is that the Nano Suit will negate almost all damage, while the Quantum makes the player almost invincible. A recent test, where a player in a Nano Suit was dropped from from 80 blocks, proved that the Nano Suit could easily prevent death in most areas(the player lost 1/2 hearts). Another test in which the player was placed in front of 5 skeletons, also helped to prove that Nano Suit was amazing (the player lost 0 hearts total).[1]


Crafting GUI

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal (Charged)


Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate


Crafting GUI

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal (Charged)

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate


Crafting GUI

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal (Charged)

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate


Crafting GUI

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate

Energy Crystal (Charged)

Carbon Plate

Carbon Plate


Video Tutorial[]


Minecraft Technic Part 9 Nano Armour, Nano Sabre and a Rampage!
