There are several types of Magic Boots introduced by the ThaumCraft mod.
Boots of Striding[]
The Boots of Striding have the same durability as leather boots but comes with two added bonuses: increased jump height and faster run speed. The boots also reduce falling damage by half but food will be consumed at a slightly faster rate when you run.
The Boots of Striding can be enchanted like normal boots.
Holding the Sneak button while wearing them reduces jump distance to normal levels.
Seven League Boots[]
Increasing the mystical potency of the Boots of Striding with Electrified vis crystals and thaumium results in the legendary Seven League Boots. Their wearer is able to take amazing leaps that cover large distances. Fall damage is reduced by two thirds, though this might not prove enough to prevent twisted ankles or shattered shins upon landing. They also retain all the other benefits of the Boots of Striding.
Boots of the Meteor[]
This legendary footwear is crafted by adding Iron Blocks and Fiery Vis crystals to Seven League Boots. Jump distance is only slightly greater than the Seven League Boots, but they now gain an amazing ability: Their wearer is able to hurl himself at the ground with thunderous force, harming his enemies with the shockwave and a blast of fiery heat.
To activate this ability the wearer must press shift while on the downwards arc of a jump. Using this ability does cause wear and tear on the boots.