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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Klein Star is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.

Klein Star(The Small Star) is an item that is part of the Equivalent Exchange mod. It stores EMC for use in Transmutation Tablet, Antimatter Relays, Energy Collectors, Dark Matter Furnaces, Red Matter Furnaces and for Power Items. Basically they act as an IC2 RE Battery for storing EMC. The Klein Stars can be used for Energy on Swiftwolf's Rending Gale. The Klein Star Omega is extremely expensive to make, requiring 1,024 diamonds and 8,192 Mobius Fuel(which simplifies to 65,536 coal, or 1024 stacks) to make a single one.


The Klein Star can be upgraded to various levels to allow for a greater amount of EMC to be stored. To upgrade the Klein Stars you place 4 on a crafting grid in a 2 X 2 shape.

Stored EMC is conserved between levels. Upgraded Stars not only store more EMC in a single slot, they also store given EMC faster - useful when you begin upgrading Relays and Collectors, as lower tiers may get backlogged.

Klein Star Storage and Total EMC Cost to Make:

Klein Star EMC Storage Total EMC
Klein Star Ein 50,000 24,576
Klein Star Zwei 200,000 98,304
Klein star Drei 800,000 393,216
Klein star Vier 3,200,000 1,572,864
Klein star Sphere 12,800,000 6,291,456
Klein star Omega 51,200,000 25,165,824


Crafting GUI

Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel


Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel

Mobius Fuel

Klein Star Ein

Crafting GUI

Klein Star Ein

Klein Star Ein

Klein Star Ein

Klein Star Ein

Klein Star Zwei

Crafting GUI

Klein Star Zwei

Klein Star Zwei

Klein Star Zwei

Klein Star Zwei

Klein Star Drei

Crafting GUI

Klein Star Drei

Klein Star Drei

Klein Star Drei

Klein Star Drei

Klein Star Vier

Crafting GUI

Klein Star Vier

Klein Star Vier

Klein Star Vier

Klein Star Vier

Klein Star Sphere

Crafting GUI

Klein Star Sphere

Klein Star Sphere

Klein Star Sphere

Klein Star Sphere

Klein Star Omega


As well as acting as an EMC battery, the Klein Star (more specifically, a fully charged Klein Star Omega) is used in several crafting recipes. This consumes the Klein Star(s) entirely, not just the contained EMC.

EMC Value[]

8 x 2,048 (Mobius Fuel) + 1 x 8,192 (Diamond) = 24,576 EMC per Klien Star Ein (First Level Klein Star).

Once created, a Klein Star can't be broken up into raw EMC again.

Video Tutorial[]



Eins, Zwei, Drei, and Vier are the first four numbers in German (1,2,3,4).

Any Item using emc will take it from the closest emc item Even if you do have a klein star.
