Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Iron Scaffold contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.
Iron Scaffold
Block Iron Scaffold
Type Block
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable Yes
Included in Industrial Craft

Iron Scaffolds are the sturdier versions of Wooden Scaffolds.


The Iron Scaffolds still need to be supported by other scaffolds below, but they're able to extend 5 blocks out from the the blocks that support them. They are easy to set up and demolish and even act as ladders for reaching the building height easily. They currently cannot be sprayed with CF.


Crafting GUI

Refined Iron

Iron Fence

Refined Iron

Iron Fence

Refined Iron

Iron Fence

Iron Scaffold



You may reinforce Scaffolds by using an additional Iron Fence. Right-clicking on an existing scaffold with an iron fence will reinforce it. This will consume 1 iron fence. The scaffold being reinforced must also be part of a pillar of scaffolds connected to the ground.

Once a scaffold has been reinforced, you may then place additional scaffolds adjacent to it, over air blocks, up to 12 blocks away.

Note that this type of scaffold (due to it being made out of iron) needs to be broken by a pickaxe to retrieve it. You will also get the iron fence back from reinforced scaffolding. Thus, nothing is wasted when reinforcing a scaffold.
