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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Iron Band is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Iron Band
Grid Iron Band
Type Material
Stackable No
EMC Value 2,880
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Iron Band is a base component for many power items in the Equivalent Exchange mod.

Iron Bands are used, in conjunction with other resources, to create the following alchemist's rings:

It has no effect on its own.


Crafting GUI

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Lava bucket

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron Band

Crafting GUI

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Volcanite Amulet

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron (Ingot)

Iron Band

EMC Composition[]

8 x 256 (Iron) + 832 (Lava Bucket) = 2,880 EMC each. (Note: The empty bucket is returned, with 64 less emc than the lava bucket. Also, they can be crafted with a volcanite amulet which is free to use in this.)

Video Tutorial[]


  • If a bucket is used in crafting, it is returned afterwards.
  • A Volcanite Amulet can be used in place of a lava bucket, saving the player having to find lava. The amulet is retained after crafting.