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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Industrial Diamond contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.
Industrial Diamond

The Industrial Diamond is created by placing a Coal Chunk in a Compressor. As of 1.63, they are deprecated; this method will create a normal diamond, and all existing industrial diamonds can be converted to normal diamonds by placing them in a crafting table. With other mods this allows you to mass produce diamonds.

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Compressor

Coal Chunk

RE Battery (Charged)

Industrial Diamond

Step By Step Recipe[]

Crafting Industrial Diamonds[]

1. Coal Dust

Macerate coal in the Macerator to make Coal Dust.

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Macerator


RE Battery (Charged)

Coal Dust

2.Coal Ball

Craft 8 Coal Dust with 1 Flint in the middle

Tip: Macerating Gravel produces Flint.

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Macerator


RE Battery (Charged)


Crafting GUI

Coal Dust

Coal Dust

Coal Dust

Coal Dust


Coal Dust

Coal Dust

Coal Dust

Coal Dust

Coal Ball

3.Compressed Coal Ball

Place eight Coal Balls into the Compressor to produce eight Compressed Coal Balls.

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Compressor

Coal Ball

RE Battery (Charged)

Compressed Coal Ball

4. Coal chunk

Crafting a Coal Chunk requires:

Eight Compressed Coal Balls


One Obsidian block


One Bricks block


One Block of Iron

Crafting GUI

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball


Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Coal Chunk

Crafting GUI

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball


Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Coal Chunk

Crafting GUI

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Iron Block

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Compressed Coal Ball

Coal Chunk

5. Industrial Diamond

Place one Coal Chunk into the Compressor

This will produce one Industrial Diamond

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Compressor

Coal Chunk

RE Battery (Charged)

Industrial Diamond

In order to Transform an Industrial Diamond into a Normal Diamond place it into a crafting table

Crafting GUI

Industrial Diamond


This total EMC cost of this process is 8288 EMC, wheras a diamond is worth 8192 EMC. Thus, it is only recommended for those who are having difficulty finding a diamond.
