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Logo tutorial 40 Getting started: Mystcraft is a Tutorial.
Logo-myc 40 Getting started: Mystcraft contains information about the Mystcraft mod.

Getting started (Minecraft 1.6.4)[]

Upon spawning, you should start off as usual in order to gain some supplies, assuming that you're attempting to play with just Mystcraft, here are some notable resources(that you may not find just around you) that you will require in starting up the mod:

It is recommended that you set up your base near a lake/ocean for good access to sand and squids

  • Feather - 1 is required to craft the Writing Desk.
  • Iron Ingot - 3 is required to craft a Book Binder.
  • Leather - Many might be used for attempting to get the right age for getting symbols.
  • Paper - Many might be used for the same reason as Leather.

Crafting the essentials[]

In order to get started with books, you will essentially require 3 blocks and 3 types of books, optionally but much recommended, bookstands.

Crafting the Blocks[]

3 blocks that you require will be the Writing Desk, Book Binder, and the Ink Mixer. Craft the blocks as shown:

  • Writing Desk
Crafting GUI

Glass Bottle

Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks


Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Writing Desk

  • Ink Mixer
Crafting GUI



Wooden Planks

Glass Bottle




Wooden Planks

Ink Mixer

  • Book Binder
Crafting GUI

Iron Ingot

Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Iron Ingot

Wooden Planks

Iron Ingot

Wooden Planks

Wooden Planks

Book Binder

Crafting the books and bookstand[]

There are 3 books in Mystcraft, namely the Notebook, Descriptive Book, and the Linking Book.

  • A Notebook may be used to store all symbols found in your journey, symbols kept in your notebook may be duplicated for other books in the Writing Desk.
  • A Descriptive Book allows you to travel to other dimensions(Ages).
  • A Linking Book allows you to go back to a point/location saved in the Overworld, it cannot be used in the Overwold itself unless it has the Intra-Linking modifier.

To craft a book, you would need Link Panels and Ink Vials.

  • To craft an Ink Vial, you will need 2 Ink Sacs and 1 Bottle(shapeless recipe).
Crafting GUI

Ink Sac

Glass Bottle

Ink Sac

Ink Vial

  • Link Panel may be crafted via the Ink Mixer.

    Crafting a Link Panel

The books may be crafted like this:

  • Notebook
Crafting GUI





  • Descriptive Book

    Crafting the Descriptive Book

Descriptive Books crafted this way but was never edited via the Writing Table will ALWAYS generate a new and random. Please do be aware that not all world generated are safe.

  • Unlinked Linking Book (shapeless recipe)
Crafting GUI


Link Panel

Unlinked Linking Book

The reason that you get an Unlinked Linking Book is due to Mystcraft allowing to choose where you should appear upon using the Linking Book. Simply right click it while standing on the spot where you would like to return later and it'll turn into the green-colored Linking Book.

Finally, a bookstand will protect your book from the chances of it getting destroyed after using it. You may place a book on the bookstand and then right click the bookstand to either take back your book or to teleport yourself between ages.

Crafting GUI


Wooden Planks



Exploring your new age[]

Upon using a Descriptive Book that was crafted with the Link Panel, the Descriptive Book will generate a random Age. It is recommended that you bring at least the following:

  1. Basic essentials like a sword, torches, pickaxe, axe, shovel, etc.
  2. Bookstand
  3. Linking Book(make sure that it is NOT Unlinked!)
  4. Optionally, you should be equipped with an Iron armor to fend of against hostilities should the generated Age brings them along with it.

Creating your own age[]

Creating your own age can be very challenging as it requires you to either explore or trade it from villages, it often tires the player/break the player's virtual wallet. As such, it is recommended that you keep creating Descriptive Books till you get an Age that brings you a flat piece of dimension.


A flat dimension with an Ancient Library in the horizon.

A flat Age will allow you to explore and navigate easily, and will allow you to find ancient libraries much easier due to it's lack of terrain that blocks your view. But be aware that most flat Ages will bring along hostile NPCs. It is recommended that you instantly travel back to the Overworld and start a new Age if the current Age comes with Zombie Pigmen.


An Ancient Library

If you do not need a Descriptive Book, just whack it to destroy it upon return to arrival while it is in entity form on the ground. You may pick it up with right click if you would like to keep it.

If you find a suitable Age for you to explore in, you should place your bookstand near your spawn point and place your Linking Book in it. You should also mark down your coordinates or find a way to remember your way back. Upon returning to the Overworld, you should also place your Descriptive Book in another bookstand to keep it safe and to be able to return to that Age.

Customizing your age[]

  1. After finding a good amount of symbols, head to the writing table and place your notebook at the top left corner of the GUI.

    Notebook placed in the top left corner of the GUI

  2. Place all symbols that you had found in the left side of the GUI
  3. With paper and ink vial in their respective slots, right-click the characteristics of which you would like to have in your customized Age, it will duplicate that page for you.

    All materials in their suitable slots.

  4. After that, take all the pages you had duplicated to the Book Binder to create a new Descriptive Book.
  5. All Descriptive Books must start with a Link Panel, add your pages, name your book, then take it out and explore your brand new age.
  6. Beware that a basic "grammar" system is expected in the way you arrange your descriptive book's symbols...a poorly written age will probably be unstable.

Crafting the Descriptive Book.
