Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Gem Armor is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.

Gem Armor
Grid Abyss Helmet Grid Infernal Armor Grid Gravity Greaves Grid Hurricane Boots
The full Gem Armor Set
Name Gem Armor
Type Armor
Stackable No
EMC Value 324,737,862 for Full Set
Included in Equivalent Exchange

Gem Armor is the best set of armor available in Equivalent Exchange. Its base damage reduction is the same as Red Matter Armor, but like Quantum, it has several innate and active abilities, all of which are free. The active abilities must be turned on with V for the Helmet, Chestplate, and Greaves. The Boots require G to be pressed to use their active ability. Note that each armor piece requires a Klein Star Omega.

Abyss Helmet[]


  • Innate: Breathe in water
  • Active/Offensive: Press R to make Lightning strike wherever you are looking at


Crafting GUI

Red Matter Helmet

Soul Stone

Klein Star Omega

Evertide Amulet

Abyss Helmet

Infernal Armor[]


  • Innate: Immunity to Fire and Lava
  • Active/Offensive: Press C to cause an explosion around you


Crafting GUI

Red Matter Chestplate

Body Stone

Klein Star Omega

Volcanite Amulet

Infernal Armor

Gravity Greaves[]


  • Active/Offensive: Hold Shift while free-falling to increase speed
  • Active/Offensive: Hold Shift while not free-falling to slow and repel mobs in a 5-block radius


Crafting GUI

Red Matter Leggings

Gem of Eternal Density

Klein Star Omega

Watch of Flowing Time

Gravity Greaves

Hurricane Boots[]


  • Innate: Immunity to fall damage while not sprinting
  • Active/Movement Enhancing: Always sprint on the ground
  • Active/Movement Enhancing: Hold Space to quickly ascend (Fly)


Crafting GUI

Red Matter Boots

Swiftwolf's Rending Gale

Klein Star Omega

Swiftwolf's Rending Gale

Hurricane Boots

EMC Composition[]

Abyss Helmet[]

3,031,040 (Red Matter Helmet) + 25,165,824 (Klein Star Omega) + 51,200,000 (KSO Charge) + 422,406 (Evertide Amulet) + 937,056 (Soul Stone) = 80,756,326 EMC

Infernal Armor[]

4,849,664 (Red Matter Chestplate) + 25,165,824 (Klein Star Omega ) + 51,200,000 (KSO charge) + 422,784 (Volcanite Amulet) + 934,944 (Body Stone) = 82,573,216 EMC

Gravity Greaves[]

4,243,456 (Red Matter Leggings) + 25,165,824 (Klein Star Omega ) + 51,200,000 (KSO charge) + 319,616 (GoED) + 568,512 (WoFT) = 81,497,408 EMC

Hurricane Boots[]

2,424,832 (Red Matter Boots) + 25,165,824 (Klein Star Omega) + 51,200,000 (KSO charge) + 2 x 560,128 (Swiftwolf's Rending Gale) = 79,910,912 EMC

Added all together, the full set is worth 324,737,862 EMC.
