Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 Electric Furnace contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.
Electric Furnace
Block Electric Furnace
Type Machine
Tool Grid Wrench (Industrialcraft)
Stackable No
Included in Industrial Craft

The Electric Furnace is an improved and more costly version of the Iron Furnace.

The benefits of this device compared to the Iron Furnace are that the Electric Furnace is 23.1% faster and, as the name indicates, uses electricity. By heating with electricity instead of directly burning fuel, it is able to shut off immediately upon finishing (thus avoids wasting energy). You can best take advantage of this by having some form of energy storage between the Electric Furnace and the generator(s).

The Electric Furnace uses approximately 390 EU per operation. When connected to a Generator, one piece of (char)coal will provide 10 operations. On the other hand, an Iron Furnace uses 400 EUs per operation (Coal has an EU yield of 4000 in a Generator and provides 10 operations in an Iron Furnace) and it doesn't stop when there is nothing left to smelt. Additionally, an Electric Furnace can be powered by alternative sources such as Solar Panels.


Crafting GUI

Redstone Dust

Electronic Circuit

Iron Furnace

Redstone Dust

Electric Furnace


MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Electro Furnace

EU consumption.[]

input 390 (3eu/t)
output -
storage 416

Providing more than 32EU/t will make the furnace explode.

Video Tutorial[]



Let's Play - Technic Pack with Adolamin - Ep 4 Extractors and Electric Furnaces

Added by AdolaminII
