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Technic Pack Wiki

Logo pickaxe The article Discoveries is still unfinished and may be lacking detailed general information, screenshots, and crafting recipes. Please expand the article and remove the {{unfinished}} tag once the article can be considered complete.
Logo-TC 40 Discoveries contains information about the ThaumCraft mod.

Discoveries are the third and final result of Research performed through the Quaesitum.


Researching fragments of the various types of knowledge (Lost, Forbidden, Tainted, or Eldritch) if sucessful, results in a theory for an item or enchantment. The theory must then be researched. Upon sucessful research, a discovery scroll is produced.


Theories are arranged in terms of how difficult they are to obtain. Generally:


These difficulties determine how many materials and research cycles it will take to derive a discovery from a theory. Trivial and Easy are over and done with in as many ticks of the progress bar as it takes to fill. However, Moderate and Hard have percentile chances for failure. In these cases, the small blue progress bar will lose a progress dot and have to try again. In the cases of Tricky and Tortuous, the percentile for failure is extremely high and in cases where the fail tick occurs and no progress is marked, you can lose the theory.


In order to unlock the item or enchantment, the scroll must be "used" by right-clicking it while it is on the player's hotbar. Doing so displays the recipe (if applicable) and a description of the item. Once unlocked, the item is available for crafting, and the scroll does not need to be stored. The scrolls can be used towards further research as items that can be placed in the Quaesitum, or as a source of Vis in a Crucible. The scrolls can also be used to craft the Thaumonomicon which stores all information obtained from unlocked discovery scrolls; the crafting recipe and description.

Video Tutorial[]

