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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Dark Matter Sword is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Dark Matter Sword
Grid Dark Matter Sword
Type Tool
Stackable No
EMC Value 286,720
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Dark Matter Sword is an unbreakable weapon of death-dealing made of Dark Matter that does a base damage of 6 hearts.

  • The Dark Matter tools are not enchantable.


Crafting GUI

Dark Matter

Dark Matter


Dark Matter Sword


The Dark Matter Sword has one special effect that can be activated when charged:

If not used directly against a mob, the alchemist may use Right Click or R to use a powerful area-of-effect slash, decimating any living (or undead) creatures in the vicinity by a slightly less devastating attack (but still substantially more powerful than a normal swing). The area of effect and the diminished damage bonus are also determined by charge level. Activating this consumes 1 glowstone dust per "use".

The special attack seems to do no damage to some mobs.

All Dark Matter Tools have a maximum of Two Charge Levels. The sword can be charged with the control labelled "Charge Item" and costs nothing to continually charge it.

There is a glitch where if you use the Dark Matter sword to break a cobweb, the cobweb item is returned along with a piece of string, allowing you to place the cobweb down again and breaking it again for infinite string. The glitch is shared with the Red matter sword and the Red Katar .

EMC Copmposition[]

The price for a Dark Matter Sword is 2 x 139,264 (Dark Matter) + 8,192(Diamond) = 286,720.

Video Tutorial[]

