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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Dark Matter Furnace is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Dark Matter Furnace
Block Dark Matter Furnace
Type Furnace
Physics Yes
Tool Grid Wooden Pickaxe
Stackable No
EMC Value 1,114,120
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Dark Matter Furnace has 8 input queue slots and 8 output slots. There is also a single slot each for input, output, and fuel. When smelting ores, it has a 50% chance to double its output each smelt. It is 2.5 times more fuel efficient, and roughly 20 times faster than a standard furnace. If, when it's smelting, there is a chest adjacent to the furnace, it will place the end product into that chest.


Example of the DM Furnace UI.

Note: When using Charcoal, it treats it as normal Coal, but when using normal Coal, it gives it a fuel value 4 times its original equivalent.

It can be powered directly by a Collector or Relay. It will also accept Alchemical Coal, Mobius, or Aeternalis Fuel as a source of energy.


Crafting GUI

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block


Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Block

Dark Matter Furnace

EMC Composition[]

8 x 139,264 (Dark Matter Block) + 8 x 1 (Furnace) = 1,114,120 EMC

Video Tutorial[]

