Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Dark Matter Chestplate is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Dark Matter Chestplate
Grid Dark Matter Armor
Type Armor
Stackable No
EMC Value 1,114,112
Included in Equivalent Exchange

Dark Matter Armor is indestructible. It takes a total of 24 units of Dark Matter to create a full set of Dark Matter Armor, equivalent to 864 Diamonds. Dark Matter Armor is slightly more effective than other armors, and having a full set will give you 80% damage reduction (explosions do normal damage due to a bug). 8 x 139264 (Dark Matter) = 1,114,112 EMC


Crafting GUI

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter Armor

Video Tutorial[]

