Dark Matter Armor is armor made of Dark Matter. It is crafted using the same recipe pattern as vanilla armor. Dark Matter Armor - like all Dark Matter Tools - is indestructible.
Dark Matter Helmet:
Dark Matter Chestplate:
Dark Matter Leggings:
Dark Matter Boots:
EMC Values[]
Dark Matter Helmet = 696,328 EMC (5 x Dark Matter)
Dark Matter Chestplate = 1,114,112 EMC (8 x Dark Matter)
Dark Matter Leggings = 974,848 EMC (7 x Dark Matter)
Dark Matter Boots = 557,056 EMC (4 x Dark Matter)
Dark Matter Set = 3,342,336 EMC (24 x Dark Matter)
Random Fact[]
It takes the EMC equivalent of 408 diamonds to make the armor set.