This page contains a complete list of items and blocks from the mod Thaumcraft.
- Most of them are made in Infuser, Dark Infuser or Crafting Table.
- Crucible
- Crucible of Eyes
- Thaumium Crucible
- Vis Conduit
- Vis Valve
- Vis Storage Tank
- Vis Pump
- Thaumic Infuser
- Quaesitum
- Vis Conde
- Vis Filter
- Arcane Furnace
- Arcane Bellows
- Arcane Bore
- Vis Detector
- Taint Detector
- Thaumometer
- Arcane Tinkering Tool
- scanner
Raw Materials[]
- Amber
- Greatwood Log
- Greatwood Leaves
- Enchanted Wood
- Silverwood Log
- Silverwood Leaves
- Enchanted Silverwood
- Shimmerleaf
- Alumentum
- Nitor
- Arcane Singularity
- Enchanted Fabric
- Cinnabar Ore
- Quicksilver
- Animated Piston
- Thaumium Ingot
- Cinderpearl Pod
- Soul Fragment
Vis Crystal Extracts:
- Extract of Purest Magic
- Extract of Foulest Taint
- Extract of Warmest Fire
- Extract of Deepest Earth
- Extract of Lightest Air
- Extract of Coolest Water
- Arcane Seal
- Seal Combinations
- Runic Essence: Magic
- Runic Essence: Air
- Runic Essence: Water
- Runic Essence: Earth
- Runic Essence: Fire
- Runic Essence: Dark
Power Items[]
Researchable Items[]
Lost Knowledge[]
- Arcane Focus: Air
- Arcane Focus: Earth
- Arcane Focus: Fire
- Arcane Focus: Water
- Axe of the Stream
- Boots of the Meteor
- Charm of Cleansing
- Charm of Life
- Charm of Vigor
- Collected Wisdom
- Concentrated Vis
- Crucible of Eyes
- Crystalline Bell
- Dawnstone
- Elemental Crusher
- Elemental Cutter
- Everfull Urn
- Goggles of Revealing
- Hoe of the Mystic
- Inert Carpet
- Pickaxe of the Core
- Potency Enchantment
- Quicksilver Core
- Relic Hunter Enchantment
- Self Repair Enchantment
- Seven League Boots
- Shovel of Renewal
- Stabilized Singularity
- Sword of the Zephyr
- Thaumic Crystalizer
- Thaumic Duplicator
- Thaumic Enchanter
- Thaumic Generator
- Thaumic Restorer
- Thaumium Crucible
- Traveling Trunk
- Wand of Reversal
Forbidden Knowledge[]
- Bow of Bone
- Brain-in-a-Jar
- Brazier of Souls
- Charm of Souls
- Charm of the Dead
- Crucible of Souls
- Dark Infuser
- Harnessed Rage
- Mask of Cruelty
- Occultic Enchanter
- Soulstealer Enchantment
- Vampiric Enchantment
- Wand of Bone
Tainted Knowledge[]
- Advanced Vis Valve
- Concentrated Evil
- Concentrated Taint
- Potion of Purity
- Thaumium Reinforced Tank
- Totem of Dawn
- Totem of Dusk
- Vis Purifier