The Chainsaw is an electric tool that breaks wood and wood products very quickly. It can be powered by any low-tier IC power source. It can store up to 10000 EU. The Chainsaw can also be charged by any of the three charging benches, as well as by the BatPack, LapPack, or by using a charged RE Battery.
It can also be used to harvest spider webs, tree leaf blocks, and the wool from sheep by right clicking. It can also be used as a weapon, dealing 10 damage or 5 hearts. However, if the charge of the chainsaw is depleted, the chainsaw will break, necessitating the creation of a new chainsaw.
Crafting the Chainsaw gives you the "Lumberjack Assassin" achievement, and killing a zombie with it gives you the "Apocalypse Averted!" achievement.
- If a charged RE Battery is used instead of an empty battery, the result is a fully charged Chainsaw.
- It makes a fitting engine sound when equipped, similar to a real chainsaw. This can be dangerous as it makes mobs harder to hear. This sound can also become bugged under rare circumstances and continue to play even when the tool isn't equipped.
- Works like a trimmer/mower too...drops grass when used on tall grass and is able to shear sheep...somehow.
Video Tutorial[]
Minecraft Technic Part 12 Electric Tools, All Of Them!