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Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Catalytic Lens is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Catalytic Lens
Grid Catalytic Lens
Type Tool
Stackable No
EMC Value 1,318,510
Included in Equivalent Exchange

The Catalytic Lens is an extremely expensive and powerful tool which combines the tunneling power of the Destruction Catalyst with the explosive projectiles of the Hyperkinetic Lens.


The Catalytic Lens needs 7 Dark Matter, or the equivalent of 252 diamonds, for crafting, not including the supplies for the Hyperkinetic Lens (2 Dark Matter, 6 Diamonds). The Destruction Catalyst is consumed in this recipe.

Crafting GUI

Dark Matter

Hyperkinetic Lens

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Destruction Catalyst

Dark Matter

Catalytic Lens

Crafting GUI

Dark Matter

Destruction Catalyst

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Hyperkinetic Lens

Dark Matter

Catalytic Lens


When pressing R with the Catalytic Lens equipped the Lens fires an explosive projectile which destroys a large area upon contact with a block. The items from the destroyed blocks are dropped in a loot ball in the middle of the explosion, similar to the Hyperkinetic Lens.

Press Right Click and the Catalytic Lens functions like the Destruction Catalyst, destroying a 3x3 panel where you clicked.

When you press V to charge the Catalytic Lens, the right-click function of the Catalytic Lens becomes more powerful, digging out long 3x3 tunnels. At max charge, the Catalytic Lens breaks through as many as 64 layers, far more than the Destruction Catalyst. Like the Destruction Catalyst, the Catalytic Lens drops all the items from the destroyed section at the point of right-click.

If you press C, the Catalytic Lens performs its right-click function forwards in front of you, and drops the resulting resources right onto your character.

All Block Breaking tools use 16EMC/Block Broken.

EMC Composition[]

7 x 139,264 (Dark Matter) + 328,433 (Hyperkinetic Lens) + 11,464 (Destruction Catalyst) = 1,318,510 EMC each.
