Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-IC2 40 CF Pellet contains information about the Industrial Craft mod.

The CF Pellet is used to fill the CF Sprayer and CF Pack. In the CF Sprayer, each pellet is worth 2 sprays. The Sprayer is filled like this:

Crafting GUI

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Sprayer

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Pellet

CF Sprayer

You can put as many pellets as you want in the outside ring. The sprayer only holds 8 pellets.

The CF Pack, however, holds 128 pellets, and is filled in a Canning Machine, with the Pack as the can at the bottom and the pellets at the top. When the Pack is used, each pellet is only worth 1 spray.

CF Pellets are created by compressing Construction Foam. Each CF will yield 1 CF Pellet.


MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Compressor

Construction Foam

RE Battery (Charged)

CF Pellet

MachineGUI Background
MachineGUI Canning Machine

CF Pellet


