A random selection of CARuins.
CARuins is a world generation mod that creates ruins from cellular automata, hence the name (CARuins = Cellular Automata Ruins).
CARuins can take the form of towers, bizarre statues, pyramids, mysterious elevated temples, or huge multifloor underground dungeons. They can stretch deep underground and are populated with hidden chambers and loot. Since they are generated from random seeds, there is a near-infinite variety of form, and no two CARuins you encounter will be alike. The 2D cellular automata used (including the famous Game of Life) have been selected from among the thousands possible in order to produce interesting structures.
More examples[]
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Traps and Spawners[]

A dispenser trap rigged to a stone pressure plate.
Many ruins have hidden traps like stone pressure plates connected to TNT blocks and dispensers rigged to fire several splash damage potions. The dispensers usually have around 30 splash damage potions in their inventory. Some ruins also have a central room with one mob spawner that can used to construct an exp orb generator or a mob grinder. Any type of mob spawner can and will be used. It is not unusual to see a creeper spawner, so watch out.
Several aspects of the CARuins mod can be configured manually with the "CARuinsSettings.txt" config file. If you are using the Technic launcher on a Windows Vista, Windows 7 OS, or Windows 8 you will probably find this file in the folder "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\technicssp\", and on Mac OSX, you will need to go to YOURUSERNAME, hold alt, click on go at the top of the screen, Library>Application Support>techniclauncher>technicssp>. Most of the settings are pretty much self-explanatory, and the file is also well commented.
The standard config file should look like this:
<-README: put this file in the main minecraft folder, e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\-> <-GlobalFrequency controls how likely structures are to appear. Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. Lower to make less common-> <-TriesPerChunk allows multiple attempts per chunk. Only change from 1 if you want very dense generation!-> GlobalFrequency:0.005 TriesPerChunk:1 <-MinHeight and MaxHeight are the minimum and maximum allowed height of the structures-> <-MinHeightBeforeOscillation - Any structures that form oscillators before MaxOscillatorCullStep will be culled.-> <-Smooth with stairs - If set to 1, will smooth out ruins by placing extra stair blocks.-> <-ContainerWidth and ContainerLength are the dimensions of the bounding rectangle.-> MinHeight:20 MaxHeight:70 MinHeightBeforeOscillation:12 SmoothWithStairs:1 MakeFloors:1 ContainerWidth:40 ContainerLength:40 <-Seed type weights are the relative likelihood weights that different seeds will be used. Weights are nonnegative integers.-> <-SymmetricSeedDensity is the density (out of 1.0) of live blocks in the symmetric seed.-> SymmetricSeedDensity:0.5 SymmetricSeedWeight:8 LinearSeedWeight:2 CircularSeedWeight:2 CruciformSeedWeight:1 <-BlockRule is the template rule that controls what blocks the structure will be made out of.-> OceanBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 PlainsBlockRule:0,100,1,98-1,98-2 DesertBlockRule:0,100,24 HillsBlockRule:0,100,1,98,98-2 ForestBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 TaigaBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 SwamplandBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 RiverBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 HellBlockRule:0,100,112 SkyBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 IcePlainsBlockRule:0,100,98,98-2,98-2 IceMountainsBlockRule:0,100,98,98-2,98-2 MushroomIslandBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 BeachBlockRule:0,100,4,48,48 <-An automata rule should be in the form B<neighbor digits>/S<neighbor digits>, where B stands for "birth" and S stands-> <- for "survive". <neighbor digits> are the subset the digits from 0 to 8 on which the rule will birth or survive.-> <- For example, the Game of Life has the rule code B3/S23.-> <-Rule weights are the relative likelihood weights that different rules will be used. Weights are nonnegative integers.-> AUTOMATA RULES B3/S23, weight=5, <-Life - good for weird temples-> B36/S013468, weight=3, <-pillars and hands-> B367/S02347, weight=2, <-towers with interiors and chasms-> B34/S2356, weight=3, <-towers with hetrogenous shapes-> B368/S245, weight=8, <-Morley - good hanging bits-> B36/S125, weight=4, <-2x2 - pillar & arch temple/tower/statue-> B36/S23, weight=4, <-High Life - space invaders, hanging arms.-> B3568/S148, weight=4, <-fuzzy stilts-> B3/S1245, weight=8, <-complex-> B3567/S13468, weight=5, <-fat fuzzy-> B356/S16, weight=5, <-fuzzy with spurs-> B3468/S123, weight=3, <-towers with arches-> B35678/S015678, weight=2, <-checkerboard-> B35678/S0156, weight=15, <-spermatazoa-> B26/S12368, weight=1, <-mayan pyramid-> B248/S45, weight=1, <-gaudi pyramid-> B2457/S013458, weight=1, <-complex interior pyramid-> B45/S2345, weight=6, <-45-rule - square towers->