
(Copied from forestry wiki)
Needs to be powered by a BuildCraft compatible engine.
When you place an arboretum, it will start to clear out the farm area. The farm area currently is a hollow column with a dimension 13x10x13 (X-Y-Z) blocks and 3 blocks wide with the arboretum itself at the center of the ground level. Completely ignores the center 7x7 area in the middle. It will idle until it receives the right materials to start the farm. You will need to supply it with Humus and saplings. Both materials can be either placed directly into its storage or be supplied by BuildCraft pipes. After receiving humus it will lay down the soil. When this is finished, it will start to plant saplings. The arboretum will replace any missing sapling/tree and any degraded soil. If it cannot replace degraded soil because of a lack of Humus, it will also stop planting trees.
When replacing a block of soil, the arboretum tries to store the sand in its inventory. Only if the inventory for sand is full will it silently discard the block. Sand will also be ejected automatically into connected buildcraft pipes. Its inventory is partitioned into three sections for Humus, saplings and (collected) sand. The arboretum will refuse to accept items other than Humus and saplings from pipes. Items can be inserted by pipes on any side and sand is ejected to pipes connected to any side. After the slots for humus or saplings are filled, the arboretum will refuse the oversupplied item, even if there are still slots for the other item type.
Input/output for Buildcraft Pipes[]
- Humus (any side)
- Saplings (any side)
- Sand (sides)