
The apiary houses your bees and shelters working Queen bees. It also allows princesses and drones to mate ( Outdated picture ).
There are several conditions that need to be satisfied for a healthy queen to start producing. Some of these conditions vary by bee breed:
- It must not be raining. (Certain bees can ignore this.)
- The apiary's view of the sky must not be obstructed. (Certain bees can ignore this.)
- It must be day. (Certain bees can ignore this.)
- There needs to be at least one flower in the immediate vicinity. (Required flowers can vary by bee, but most will be satisfied by vanilla dandelion and roses.)
- The apiary must be in a biome accepted by the queen residing inside it.
The Apiary does not require power to operate and - if stocked with the right bees - will occasionally grow flowers around it while operating. Buildcraft pipes are able to remove bee products, bee princesses, and bee drones from the side of the Apiary. The Apiary accepts bee queens or bee princesses through pipes connected to the top and bee drones through pipes connected to the bottom. It is not possible to put more than one bee princess, even of the same type, in the top slot but the bottom slot will accept more than one drone assuming they are of the same type.

Make sure you know how to have no fun!
I. Queen Slot:
- Contains the current queen or possibly a princess. The left-hand side bar shows you the current health of the queen.
II. Drone Slot:
- If the queen slot is occupied by a princess, the mating process will be initiated when a drone is found in this slot. The mating process will consume the princess and a drone to produce a queen whose type is determined by the species of both princess and drone.
III. Output Inventory:
- Products will appear in this inventory. When a queen dies, the succeeding princess and drones will also be deposited here. A queen will always produce a single princess and one to three drones.
New version needs an Impregnated Casing that is made in a Carpenter using 8 logs and some seed oil.
The new center slots are for Frames which improve bee production, since it is now majorly lowered.