Technic Pack Wiki
Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Alchemical Math is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.

This is a table with the EMC values for all items from vanilla Minecraft and the Equivalent Exchange mod. Some items from other mods like Redpower can be converted into EMC as well, but most of those are not included in this table.

Object EMC value
Snowball, All Ores (Except Tungsten), Glass Pane, Brewing Stand, Cauldron 0
Cobblestone, Cobblestone Slab, Dead Bush, Dirt, Glass, Grass, Ice, Leaves, Low Covalence Dust, Mycellium, Netherrack, Sand, Snow, Stone, Stone Brick Stairs, Stone Bricks, Stone Slab, Stone Stairs, Fern, Tall Grass, Stone Brick Slab, White Stone, End Stone, Glass Bottle 1
Button, Stone Pressure Plate, Sandstone Slab 2
Gravel, Nether Brick, Nether Brick Fence, Stick, Sandstone, Wooden Slab, Flint 4
Lever 5
Nether Brick Stairs, Stone Sword+ 6
Cactus, Furnace, Medium Covalence Dust, Wooden Planks, Dyes, Indigo Dye, Vines 8
Torch, Stone Shovel+ 9
Stone Hoe+ 10
Stone Pickaxe+, Stone Axe+ 11
Cobweb, Fence, Fishing Rod, String, Wooden Stairs 12
Ladder, Arrow 14
Flower, Rose, Lily Pad, Wooden Pressure Plate, Seeds, Melon, Melon Seeds, Indigo Flowers, Clay, Wooden Shovel+, Brick 16
Wooden Sword+ 20
Cookie 22
Wheat, Trap Door, Netherwart, Sticky Resin, Rotten Flesh, Wooden Hoe+, Slime Ball 24
Charcoal, Crafting Table, Fence Gate, Mushroom (Red, Brown), Sapling, Wood, Sugarcane, Paper, Sugar, Bone Meal, Brick Slab, Wooden Pickaxe+, Wooden Axe+, Egg 32
Pumpkin Seeds 36
Boat 40
Wool (all colors), Bow, Feather, Wooden Door, Bone Meal 48
Soul Sand 49
Sign 52
Chest, Obsidian, Redstone, Porkchop, Beef, Fish, Chicken, Leather, Brick Block, Clay Block 64
Redstone Torch 68
Bread 72
Painting 80
Copper 85
Iron Bars, Rail, Book, Brick Stairs 96
Dispenser 119
Coal, Note Block, Spider Eye, Apple, Cocoa Beans 128
Jack'o'Lantern, Melon, Pumpkin, Bed, Bone 144
Moss Stone 145
Gunpowder , Fermented Spider Eye, Saddle 192
Redstone Repeater 203
High Covalence Dust 208
Golden Nugget 227
Glistening Melon 243
Bronze 255
Detector Rail, Iron, Tin 256
Flint And Steel, Transmutation Tablet 260
Iron Shovel 264
Fire Charge 298
Bookshelf 336
Piston 348
Sticky Piston 372
Glowstone Dust 384
Cake 411
Alchemical Coal, Silver Ingot, Shears 512
Iron Sword 516
Iron Hoe 520
Blaze Powder, Bucket 768
Water Bucket 769
Iron Pickaxe, Iron Axe 776
Magma Cream 792
Lava bucket 832
Milk (Bucket) 849
Lapis Lazuli 864
TNT 964
Ender Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald 1,024
Compass 1,088
Minecart 1,280
Minecart with Furnace 1,288
Minecart with Chest, Map 1,344
Nova Catalyst 1,506
Glowstone (Block), Iron Door, Blaze Rod 1,536
Brewing Stand* 1,539
Eye of Ender, Redstone Lamp 1,792
Golden Apple 1,944
Gold, Mobius Fuel, Powered Rail 2,048
Golden Shovel+ 2,056
Iron Block 2,304
Ghast Tear 4,096
Golden Sword+ 4,100
Golden Hoe+ 4,104
Nova Cataclysm 4,849
Golden Pickaxe+, Golden Axe+ 6,152
Lapis Lazuli (Block) 7,776
Aeternalis Fuel, Diamond 8,192
Diamond Shovel+ 8,200
Jukebox, Watch 8,256
Alchemical Chest 8,987
Interdiction Torch 12,932
Diamond Sword+ 16,388
Diamond Hoe+ 16,392
Enchantment Table 16,736
Gold Block 18,432
Klein Star Ein 24,576
Diamond Pickaxe+, Diamond Axe+ 24,584
Diamond Boots+ 32,768
Diamond Helmet+ 40,960
Energy Condenser 42,011
Diamond Leggings+ 57,344
Diamond Chestplate+ 65,536
Diamond Block 73,728
Antimatter Relay 74,177
Energy Collector 82,953
Klein Star Zwei 98,304
Dark Matter Orb/Block, Dragon Egg 139,264
Antimatter Relay Mk 2 213,889
Energy Collector Mk 2 232,969
Klein Star Drei 393,216
Red Matter Orb/Block 466,944
Antimatter Relay Mk 3 681,281
Energy Collector Mk 3 710,665
Dark Matter Furnace 1,114,120
Klein Star Vier 1,572,864
Red Matter Furnace 2,514,952
Pedestal 2,564,096
Klein Star Omega 25,165,824

*: indicates that an item cannot be taught normally; an Alchemical Tome is required. Item will not look right, and has no name until placed.

+: Indicates that an item has durability, and that EMC value will diminish proportional to damage done to item. For example, a diamond pickaxe with an EMC value of 24,584 that is down to exactly 1/2 durablility will only have an EMC value of 12,292. Values given are for undamaged form of item.

Here is a table with all the items compatible with the transmutation tablet in Technic Pack 7.0.1. Its length can be seen as a disadvantage, but the reason it was designed this way was to serve as a checklist for those who like collecting things.

The table is sorted by EMC values then by the order items are found in NEI. So for exemple you can see that there are 3 kind of leaves in the first few rows and 2 other kinds way lower, this reflects the order in which they are found in NEI.

Item Name EMC Comment
stone 1
grass 1
dirt 1
cobblestone 1
sand 1
leaves 1 normal
leaves 1 Pine
leaves 1 jungle
glass 1
grass 1 tall
fern 1
dead bush 1
stone slab 1
cobblestone slab 1
stone brick slab 1
stone stairs 1
ice 1
snow 1
netherrack 1
stone brick 1 normal, craftable
stone brick 1 mossy
stone brick 1 cracked
stone brick 1 circle
stone bricks stairs 1
mycelium 1
white stone 1 identical with end stone
end stone 1
leaves 1 rubber
marble 1
basalt 1
marble brick 1
basalt cobblestone 1
basalt brick 1
leaves 1 birch/rubber tree
glass bottle 1
covalence dust 1 low
sandstone slab 2
pressure plate 2 stone
button 2
gravel 4
sandstone 4 normal
sandstone 4 model1
sandstone 4 model2
wooden slab 4
nether brick 4
nether brick fence 4
stick 4
flint 4
flax seeds 4
lever 5
nether brick stairs 6
stone sword 6
bowl 6
stone sickle 7
wooden plank 8 normal
wooden plank 8 Pine
wooden plank 8 birch
wooden plank 8 jungle
furnace 8
cactus 8
vines 8
ink sac 8
rose red 8
cactus green 8
purple dye 8
cyan dye 8
light gray dye 8
gray dye 8
pink dye 8
lime dye 8
dandelion yellow 8
light blue dye 8
magenta dye 8
orange dye 8
indigo dye 8
covalence dust 8 medium
tourch 9
stone shovel 9
stone hoe 10
stonepickaxe 11
stone axe 11
cobweb 12
wooden stairs 12
fence 12
string 12
fishing rod 12
ladder 14
arrow 14
flower 16 yellow
rose 16 red
pressure plate 16 wooden
lily pad 16
indigo flower 16
rubber sappling 16 the huge ones
wooden shovel 16
seeds 16
melon 16 slice
melon seeds 16
wooden sword 20
cookie 22
trapdoor 24
wooden hoe 24
wheat 24
slimeball 24
rotten flesh 24
nether wart 24
sticky resign 24
wood sickle 28
sappling 32 normal
sappling 32 Pine
sappling 32 birch
sappling 32 jungle
wood 32 normal
wood 32 Pine
wood 32 birch
wood 32 jungle
mushroom 32 brown
mushroom 32 red
crafting table 32
fence gate 32
rubberwood 32
rubber tree sapling 32
rubber wood 32
charcoal 32
wooden pickaxe 32
wooden axe 32
sugar canes 32
paper 32
egg 32
bone meal 32
sugar 32
pumpkin seeds 36
boat 40
wool 48
orange wool 48
magenta wool 48
light blue wool 48
yellow wool 48
lime wool 48
pink wool 48
grey wool 48
light grey wool 48
cyan wool 48
purple wool 48
blue wool 48
brown wool 48
green wool 48
red wool 48
black wool 48
bow 48
feather 48
wooden door 48
soul sand 49
sign 52
obsidian 64
chest 64
raw porckchop 64
cooked porckchop 64
redstone 64
leather 64
brick 64
clay 64
raw fish 64
cooked fish 64
raw beef 64
steak 64
raw chicken 64
cooked chicken 64
redstone torch 68
mushroom stew 70
bread 72
painting 80
copper ingot 85 redpower version
copper 85 industrialcraft version
copper dust 85
track 96
iron bars 96
book 96
bone 96
dispenser 119
note block 128
bricks slab 128
apple 128
coal 128
cocoa beans 128
spider eye 128
nikolite 128
lava cell 128
pumpkin 144
jack 'o' lantern 144
melon 144
bed 144
moss stone 145
gunpowder 192
saddle 192
fermented spider eye 192
redstone repeater 203
covalence dust 208 high
gold nugget 227
glistering melon 243
bronze 255
bronze dust 255
detector track 256
bricks slab 256
clay 256
iron ingot 256
leather boots 256
tin ingot 256 redpower version
tin 256 industrialcraft version
tin dust 256
iron dust 256
transmutation tablet 260
flint and steel 260
iron shovel 264
leather cap 320
bookshelf 336
piston 348
cake 363
sticky piston 372
brick stairs 384
glowstone dust 384
leather pans 448
leather tunic 512
shares 512
silver ingot 512
alchemica coal 512
iron sword 516
iron hoe 520
bucket 768
blaze powder 768
water bucket 769
iron sickle 772
iron pickaxe 776
iron axe 776
magma cream 792
lava bucket 832
milk 833
lapis lazuli 864
fire charge 896
TNT 964
iron boots 1,024
ender pearl 1,024
ruby 1,024
emerald 1,024
sapphire 1,024
ruby shovel 1,032
emerald shovel 1,032
sapphire shovel 1,032
iron handsaw 1,036
compass 1,088
iron cap 1,280
minecart 1,280
furnace cart 1,288
chest cart 1,344
map 1,344
nova catalyst 1,506
glowstone 1,536
iron door 1,536
blaze rod 1,536
brewing stand 1,539 can be learned only from the alchemical tome; cannot be placed in the tablet but can be transmuted out if enough EMC is present
redstone lamp 1,792
iron pans 1,792
eye of ender 1,792
golden apple 1,944
powered track 2,048
gold ingot 2,048
iron tunic 2,048
music disc C418 - 13 2,048
music disc C418 - cat 2,048
music disc C418 - blocks 2,048
music disc C418 - chirp 2,048
music disc C418 - far 2,048
music disc C418 - mall 2,048
music disc C418 - mellohi 2,048
music disc C418 - stal 2,048
music disc C418 - strad 2,048
music disc C418 - ward 2,048
music disc C418 - 11 2,048
mobius fuel 2,048
gold dust 2,048
ruby sword 2,052
emerald sword 2,052
sapphire sword 2,052
gold shovel 2,056
ruby hoe 2,056
emerald hoe 2,056
sapphire hoe 2,056
block of iron 2,304
ruby handsaw 2,572
emerald handsaw 2,572
sapphire handsaw 2,572
ruby sickle 3,076
emerald sickle 3,076
sapphire sickle 3,076
ruby pickaxe 3,080
emerald pickaxe 3,080
sapphire pickaxe 3,080
ruby axe 3,080
emerald axe 3,080
sapphire axe 3,080
ghast tear 4,096
gold sword 4,100
golden hoe 4,104
nova cataclysm 4,849
gold sickle 6,148
gold pickaxe 6,152
gold axe 6,152
lapis lazuli block 7,776
diamond 8,192
gold boots 8,192
aeternalis fuel 8,192
diamond shovel 8,200
jukebox 8,256
clock 8,256
alchemical chest 8,987
gold cap 10,240
interdiction torch 12,932
gold pans 14,336
tungsten ore 16,384 cannot be transmuted out of the tablet
gold tunic 16,384
diamond sword 16,388
diamond hoe 16,392
enchantment table 16,736
diamond handsaw 16,908
block of gold 18,432
klein star ein 24,576 stores 50,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
diamond sickle 24,580
diamond pickaxe 24,584
diamond axe 24,584
diamond boots 32,768
diamond cap 40,960
energy condenser 42,011
diamond pants 57,344
diamond tunic 65,536
block of diamond 73,728
anti-matter relay 74,177
energy collector 82,953
klein star zwei 98,304 stores 200,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
dark matter block 139,264
dark matter (DM) 139,264
relay MK2 213,889
collector MK2 232,969
klein star drei 393,216 stores 800,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
red matter block 466,944
red matter (RM) 466,944
relay MK3 681,281
collector MK3 710,665
dark matter furnace 1,114,120
klein star vier 1,572,864 stores 3,200,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
red matter furnace 2,514,952 if using a condenser in a power flower, target RM furnaces
dark matter pedestal 2,564,096 cannot be burned in tablet
klein star sphere 6,291,456 stores 12,800,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
klein star omega 25,165,824 stores 51,200,000 EMC; cannot be burned in tablet
