Technic Pack Wiki
Technic Pack Wiki
Logo-EE 40 Alchemical Coal is a part of the Equivalent Exchange mod.
Alchemical Coal
Grid Alchemical Coal
Type Fuel
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value dec. 6139
EMC Value 512
Included in Equivalent Exchange

Alchemical Coal is obtained through the Energy Collector or the crafting recipe with the Philosopher's Stone below. It is used to create Mobius Fuel which is then used to make Aeternalis fuel.

It can be used as a fuel in the Dark Matter Furnace and the Red Matter Furnace, but it does not act as a fuel in other furnaces.


Crafting GUI

Philosopher's Stone

Coal (Item)

Coal (Item)

Coal (Item)

Coal (Item)

Alchemical Coal

Crafting GUI

Philosopher's Stone

Mobius Fuel

Alchemical Coal



Video Tutorial[]

